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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Leaked Trump Order Targets Legal Immigrants Who Use Government Benefits

After signing several executive orders aimed at deporting undocumented immigrants, President Donald Trump may target legal immigrants next.

A leaked executive order would drastically expand the number of public programs that are off-limits to legal immigrants who aren't citizens, such as green-card holders. If found using them, they could face deportation and their sponsors -- usually a family member or employer -- would have to reimburse the federal government for unauthorized use of those benefits.

Immigrants can currently be deported for using cash welfare or long-term institutionalized care. Under the draft order, they could be deported for using any federal benefit given "on the basis of income, resources or financial need." That could include food stamps, Medicaid, free or reduced school lunch, home heating assistance and college financial aid.

"This is really a major change for social welfare institutions and the social welfare system," said Michael Fix, president of the Migration Policy Institute.



  1. Legal immigration usually precludes access to these benefits in the first place - as it should!

  2. GOOD but they where placed on it by The OBAMA ADMIN.

  3. if they are coming here to work, then this shouldn't be a problem. LOL!

  4. Must start somewhere....and whats with the continued LEAKS???

  5. Hope Hogan is getting the message.

  6. Keep up the great work President Trump!

  7. This is EXCELLENT!

    Exactly what I was going to advocate.. any benefits should be limited to US citizens ONLY (with a very few exceptions).

    We need an Act passed by Congress that clearly defines what US citizenship is, how it is acquired (and how it can be forfeited), the benefits available to US citizens, and the responsibilities of US citizens (like voting, military or civilian service, etc.)

    Anyone immigrating to the US is already required to be able to support themselves as a condition of entry.

    Time to get back to that.

  8. Trump better plug up the leaks and find the career bureaucrats responsible. The leaks are undermining him ability to do his job.

  9. Making America great again one day at a time.

  10. Awesome! get these blood suckers off of the tax payers tits!

  11. Thank you Mr. President. We the taxpayers can not afford to support families other than our own.

  12. Finally!! No more free stuff for these leaches !! Thank you PRESIDENT TRUMP, finally A President with balls!!

  13. And quit giving 7 year tax breaks so they stop just passing the business to their cousin at the end of 7 years!!!


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