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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Accident On Route 50 at Sixty Foot Road

Station 7 has been called to an accident at Sixty Foot Road and Ocean Gateway for an accident.  

The accident is in the East bound lanes. Maryland State Police is advising there are 3 patients. 

A third ambulance has been requested from Willards

Two priority 3 patients being transported to PRMC via Pittsville EMS.
One patient being transported by Parsonsburg EMS. 


  1. They can't get that light up one minute too soon!

  2. I really wish they would report their findings on all of these accidents, like who was at fault and what they were doing.
    I don't think a light or an overpass (like this in the realm of possibilities, lol) are going to help.

  3. Unfortunately, people will run the red lights after they go up. It will stop some of the accidents, but others will still die at that intersection after the lights are installed. Lights are never a cure-all.

  4. Close the interchange.

  5. a light wont help its the people not paying attention if people would slow down there life a little just looking at the pic and knowing the area if people would look before trying to run straight across. it does have a stop sign right

    1. You are correct....The Wor Wic Tech light backs cars in the summer all the way back to Beaglin Park drive.....now another light at sixty foot road will impede traffic more.... I agree with above....close the cross over down....

  6. lights do not...DO NOT fix stupid!

  7. Close the intersection and put a fly over just like in Kent Narrows.

  8. I work in Delaware and travel that way daily. I have never been in an accident because I sit and went until traffic is clear to cross the road. I don't care who gets mad behind me.

  9. if they put a light there, vacationers will be rear-ending each other.
    Why can't people put down their phones and pay attention when they drive. I don't text and clay shoot or read and sharpen knives.
    a car is a dangerous thing - pay attention, folks.

  10. If the police catch someone on the phone or texting while driving, give the driver a choice: we either take your car or take your phone. First offense: 90 days. Second: one year. Add one additional year for each subsequent offense.

  11. I gotta get to oc I'm rolling don't get in my way Oh crap a farmer on a tractor now I gotta slow down or hit him. People don't get this is a highway that is accessible I'ts not a non accessible highway where you can run 80 or more and get away with it.

  12. i was there today, how does this happen? explain to me the direction that most cars are traveling when accidents occur..

  13. Accident was posted on Facebook right after a post for an accident with injuries at Rt 50 and Delaware Ave, Where there is a light. People still don't understand the irony of thinking a light is going to make accidents go away.

  14. The one and only thing that creates crashes there is driver error, period.

  15. If you wait for the traffic groups to pass, there are plenty of times there's not a car in sight on 50. Then you go. Groups are made by traffic lights further back on the road.

    Patience is a virtue, patients have to go to the hospital or morgue.

  16. 94% of all accidents are driver error...it's the cell phones! period

  17. I witnessed this accident also stopped to help all that was involved the older gentleman was coming across and never stopped for the stop sign and drove right into oncoming traffic that was going about 60 miles an hr

  18. I live over by the ball field by the school and was outside when this happened and I could hear it here. I thought it was at Old OC Road and Sixty Foot Road because it was so loud.


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