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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Who gave this guy his gun back … twice?

You won't believe the 'warning shots' he fired before airport attack

The case of Esteban Santiago, the 26-year-old shooter in the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport massacre, gets stranger by the minute.

He flew from Alaska without checking any bags, other than the hard gun case he collected in baggage claim and opened to kill five people while wounding six others.

He was already being prosecuted for attacking his girlfriend and attempting to strangle her. He even broke the terms of his release on that charge by entering her home again. But he was allowed to keep his gun.

The FBI interviewed him in November after his employer in Alaska expressed concerns about things he was saying. He reportedly told the FBI he was being forced by the CIA to fight for ISIS. While being evaluated, the FBI took his gun. But they released him and gave it back after a psychiatric investigation that called for no followup and no medication.

He served in Iraq for the Army Reserves and the Alaska National Guard but was discharged for “unsatisfactory performance.”



  1. Sounds like a obama plant to incit gun control.

  2. His CIA handler bought his one-way ticket to FLL...because Florida is considering bill SB140 - Open Carry of weapons including inside airports and universities? What better way to stop an open carry bill than to stage a mass shooting at an airport.

  3. Putin would have had him strung up by his nuts.

  4. Everytime there is a mass shooting commenters here on SBYNews say it is a scripted event. So I ask you commenters, has there ever in US history been an authentic mass shooting? If so, which ones seem legitimate? Thanks for answering...

  5. 1249
    Thank you

    Nope. Not one real event.
    It is all scripted by the masters of the universe - international bankers.
    Thank you


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