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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Trump Tells DHS To Prepare For Border Wall Construction

A memo from the Department of Homeland Security, which was recently reviewed by Reuters, suggest that the Trump administration plans to hit the ground running on the construction of that U.S.-Mexico border wall when they move into the White House later this month. The memo apparently summarized a meeting held between DHS officials and Trump's transition team on December 5th in which requests were made for an assessment of "all assets available for border wall and barrier construction."

In a wide-ranging request for documents and analysis, President-elect Donald Trump's transition team asked the Department of Homeland Security last month to assess all assets available for border wall and barrier construction.

The requests were made in a Dec. 5 meeting between Trump's transition team and Department of Homeland Security officials, according to an internal agency memo reviewed by Reuters. The document offers a glimpse into the president-elect's strategy for securing the U.S. borders and reversing polices put in place by the Obama administration.

The Trump transition team also allegedly took aim at Obama's executive actions, requesting "copies of every executive order and directive sent to immigration agents since Obama took office in 2009."

The transition team also asked for copies of every executive order and directive sent to immigration agents since Obama took office in 2009, according to the memo summarizing the meeting.

Trump has said he intends to undo Obama's executive actions on immigration, including a 2012 order to allow children brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents to remain in the country on temporary authorizations that allow them to attend college and work.

The program, known as DACA, collected information including participants' addresses that could theoretically be used to locate and deport them if the policy is reversed. Another request of the transition team was for information about whether any migrant records have been changed for any reason, including for civil rights or civil liberties concerns, according to the internal memo seen by Reuters.



  1. Ideas for a Secure Border

    Electric Fence with Warning Signs
    Mine Field with Warning Signs
    A Moat with Allegators with Warning Signs
    Place Claymores with Warning Signs
    Tank Ditch
    Electronic cams and sensors
    Drones make sorties 24/7
    Barbed Wire zones

    Don't say You were not Warned / If you still try to come
    IT IS ON YOU !!!

  2. with this, you don't even need Border patrol officers
    saving alot of money !!!

    It takes care of itself !!!

  3. Why does the media claim Trump's immigration policy sends a chill through the immigrant community, but his policies on manufacturing had nothing to do with Ford or GM plants staying in the US?

  4. Real simple...

    Armed roving guards on our side of the border...

    Papers please...
    Oh, no papers, this way please...
    We need free labour to work on other parts of the wall!
    We'll bring you back here in six months....

  5. Yeah buddy....Stay the hell out!

  6. This is great great news!

    He is really going to do it!

  7. Make Mexico Pay for it too .........Don't forget that !!!

  8. 1:11, Part of it was just paid for by Ford sticking around. The next payment will be from General Motors in taxes whenever they ship anything into the U.S.. So, Mr. Liberal in disguise, you pansies better quit while you're ahead. It's been a very long time since we've had a President who delivers what he says he'll do.

  9. Just call Anderson Fence Company......

    Put a Laser in between two fences , Tank Mines ,

    Add some Lions / Tigers /Bears
    Plant some IEDs , add Vulcan guns ,

    There is more than one way to skin the cat , so to speak
    Plenty of Good Secure Border Ideas !!! What's Yours ???

  10. Put the Democrats in between the two fences and make
    them do the security rounds..........

  11. Liberals are already insane but the wall will put them over the edge,better have boxes of safety pins and teddy bears ready!

  12. Make the Fence a Hallogram so Both sides of the fence
    look like the Mexican side,
    then they will just stay were they are.........


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