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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Trump blasts Rahm Emanuel after Chicago records 762 homicides making it the bloodiest 12 months in 20 YEARS

Donald Trump used his Twitter bully pulpit on Monday to blast Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for allowing his city's murder and firearms shooting rates to spiral out of control.

'Chicago murder rate is record setting – 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016,' Trump tweeted.

'If Mayor can't do it he must ask for Federal help!'

2016 was one of the most violent years in Chicago history with the most homicides in two decades – more than New York and Los Angeles combined.

The nation's third largest city also saw 1,100 more shooting incidents last year than it did in 2015, according to data released Sunday by the Chicago Police Department.



  1. Trump stated the truth.

  2. That city is proof that restrictive gun laws work, all law abiding citizens obeyed those laws, and so it is proof that gun laws work. This is the model city all gun banners should be looking at, crime was reduced, murders were down, rapes, burglary, thefts, it is the new Utopia.
    The black leadership of this city should be so proud.

  3. Gang-bangers killing other gang-bangers.....this is a problem?

  4. Build a wall around Chicago Give them plenty of guns, ammo and drugs nothing else and it will be a self solving problem.


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