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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sucks to be Starbucks

Not only are they looking at a massive boycott, Starbucks is not fairing well in the stock market today. Guess we'll see how they do the rest of the week, but this is far from a grand start.

Why CEOs don't seem to understand talking politics comes with a steep price? Might be a good rule to just keep personal politics to self when you depend on the public to put a roof over your head.

For a company that's been around as long as Starbucks, that's a pretty low yield considering their stores are international. Just saying...

Interesting read for investors:

3 Risks for Starbucks Investors - Motley Fool.

Starbucks (NASDAQ:SBUX) shares are roughly flat over the past 12 months, but have gained roughly 147% over the last five years and handily outperformed the broader market over that stretch. As of this writing, the stock trades at roughly 27 times forward earnings estimates -- representing a 50% premium on the S&P 500 average forward earnings multiple of 18 and indicating that the coffee chain is priced for strong growth. There's a lot to like about the company and its story, but with Starbucks' big gains over the last decade and stall in stock-price momentum recently, it's worth examining factors that could send shares tumbling.
Every company faces risks, and the premium coffee chain might still meet or exceed expectations for substantial growth ahead, but these three factors pose threats to Starbucks stock.


  1. I got rid of my account today.. screw them.. liberal jerks

  2. My office staff will not bring in a cup of Starbucks if they want to keep their job!!

  3. I have a gift card with money still on it but I'll be damned if I ever use it. I'm contemplating throwing away all the Starbucks mugs I've bought there throughout the years. Who needs to give money to a company that basically screams FU in your face by making such ridiculous statements. Really beginning to detest Liberals.

  4. I hope they go under...........

  5. The CEO of Nike put out a similar letter to the CEO of Starbucks. Time to stop buying that brand too.

  6. 5:21, that is ridiculous

  7. 5:21
    Hope you have a good insurance policy and employment attorney.

  8. Don't like Starbucks anyway.

  9. Overpriced crap anyway!!

  10. 550 621 like I told them I'll see them in court and I have a stack of applications begging for a job with benefits, paid leave and good pay... my company if you don't like it see ya!

    1. 842 your company and your policy's. You don't support terrorist, that's a good thing

  11. What is your company? If you are so certain that you can enforce where employees shop, please tell us the name of your business. I bet you aren't man enough to go public with it!


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