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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dem Congresswoman Forced To Face Her Own Voting History After Calling Trump’s Travel Ban ‘Horrifying’

Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Esty from Connecticut launched a tweetstorm Monday afternoon against President Donald Trump’s travel ban, but quickly backtracked after followers confronted her on her visa-related voting history.

Esty co-sponsored H.B. 158 on Dec. 3 2015, a bi-partisan bill that enabled the executive branch led by the the Department of Homeland Security to severely limit or curtail visas from countries like Iran and Iraq.

Trump’s list of seven countries came primarily from the text of H.B. 158, but the executive order allows Trump to place a travel ban from any resident of those countries, excluding those with current green cards or legal residents of the United States.



  1. She is not the only DumbocRAT hypocrite. Shows you they do not want to work with anybody who disagrees with their liberal progressive ways. Is this not what "bullies" do to get their way.

  2. Democrats need to sit down and shutup. Every time they speak they lie and deceive

  3. that is all you need to do look up what they voted for.


  4. In her defense, as a Democrat, she's accustomed to being told how to vote by Pelosi and her lackeys. Saves having to actually read or remember anything she voted about.

  5. Simple
    Democrats = hypocrites

  6. Why are liberals demanding that we change our government and way of life for refugees who won't fight for their own government and way of life back home? After all it was their hero's Obama and Hillary who CREATED ISIS for the sole purpose of destroying Libya and Syria's government and way of life.
    Instead of marching in the streets of America protesting our treatment of Muslims, why don't the liberals take their signs and chants and march in the streets of Libya and Syria?
    I'll tell you why. They are hypocritical P#$$+$!


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