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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Soros-Funded Groups Back Anti-Trump Women’s March

The Women’s March on Washington, a celebrity-endorsed event planned for the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration, is backed by a who’s who of far-left organizations, including scores of groups financed by billionaire George Soros.

The march has been described by the news media as a female protest against Trump, with reports that hundreds of thousands might attend.

The mission statement for the march claims that the gathering is meant to send a message “that women’s rights are human rights.”

The official partner’s list for the Women’s March on Washington reads like a who’s who of the far-left, including groups such as CODEPINK, the Southern Poverty Law Center and 350.org.

Many of the march “partners” are financed by Soros, including: Sierra Club, Amnesty International, MoveOn.org, NAACP, Green For All, Center for Constitutional Rights, Human Rights Watch, MoveOn.org, NARAL Pro-Choice, People for the American Way, and Planned Parenthood.



  1. Do you see the difference in how the left reacts to an election vs. how conservatives reacted to Clinton's and Obama's wins? Liberals are so immature and selfish to continue to respond with such negative force. They themselves had the MSM on their side by not reporting the wrongs of Hillary Clinton and all the big bucks spent in ads to trash Trump. But the truth of the matter was that Clinton chose to operate illegally as Secy of State and got caught by exposed e-mails after Comey let her off the hook. The voters in various states that really mattered voted for Trump for real change. The liberals are simply sad losers and their continued bad behavior encouraged by Obama and Clinton. The "love, peace and understanding" crowd is what's causing the turmoil across our country. What hypocrites!

  2. Is George Soros trying to disrupt our government?
    He is a dual Hungarian/US citizen.
    Should his US citizenship be revoked for his anti-American activities?

  3. Hopefully Trump will use the full force of the government to investigate the former Nazi George Soro's.

  4. Isn't it amazing that just 8 years ago if anyone spoke out against Obama they were labeled racist. Obvious double standard and folks I can't express enough that the country should be so glad the conservatives are back in D.C. Liberals are back biting, back stabbing, two faced, cry babies who do not understand anything about economic, foreign, or military affairs. And they want to rule the world?


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