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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Donald Trump Likely First Drug-Free President In 24 Years

When he takes his oath of office on January 20, Donald Trump will likely be the first president in 24 years to have never used any form of illegal drug.

Trump has long claimed that he has never once smoked cigarettes, touched alcohol or used drugs, which would distinguish him from the last three men to occupy the White House, all of whom either admitted to drug use or refused to deny it. While younger voters are more likely to support legalizing marijuana, for those who were born after January 20, 1993, Trump will likely be the first president in their lifetime to have never used illegal drugs.

“If you don’t drink and you don’t do drugs, your children … are going to have a tremendously enhanced chance of really being successful and having a good life,” Trump explained at a 2015 New Hampshire town hall. New Hampshire has been ravaged by opioid overdoses in recent years.

“The world is so tough and it is so competitive that you can’t put yourself, as a child, or even as a parent, if you want that child to be successful, at a disadvantage of letting them drink or letting them take drugs because it is not going to work,” Trump said, urging sobriety. “They are going to be at a tremendous disadvantage and ultimately they may not recover.”


1 comment:

  1. You know that Crack Head Obama has smoked many joints with all those pics on the net.


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