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Thursday, January 05, 2017

Soldier Beaten by 10-15 Men for Army Jacket

A soldier is recovering in the hospital with severe facial injuries after a group of 10-15 men in a gang beat him because he was wearing an Army jacket.

Austin Freni, 19, had originally flown home to New Jersey from his Army base in Georgia to see his widowed mother, thanks to the kindness of a stranger who donated to his mother’s GoFundMe page. But he was jumped by a gang in Philadelphia, the Daily Mail reported.

Freni was walking with his mom and girlfriend after the annual Mummers Parade, a folk festival in Philadelphia, when a group of young men made “derogatory” comments about his jacket.

“Group of 10-15 guys walked by me (making) derogatory comments towards Austin’s Army jacket,” Austin’s mother, Lori, said to WTXF.

She said one of the young met hit Austin before the others piled on.



  1. They were just looking for an excuse to jump a white guy, any excuse.

  2. 1128, my wife, who is black, was born and raised in Philly. Fighting off gangs of older kids/young adults looking to jump you on your way to school was a daily battle. It was still true when I first went to Philly. This is not a black and white issue. It's a citizen vs criminal issue. These same dum dums, who deserve to be locked away, where looking for any excuse to start something.

  3. Again, call them what they are. Sheriff Lewis was right: Obama has done nothing to stem the BLM racism and he has allowed this type of behavior to be justified to them. We've seen more black on white racism last year than white on black. MSM doesn't report that.
    Keep showing these incidents to your liberal friends and see what they say. Justified?
    I got my car beat on a week after the election by a black WiWi student after school, yelling "Fuck Trump, Fuck Trump"... I guess he learns that in school or from upstanding role models like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
    No one in power has the balls to call them out and encourage them to be civilized. We've accepted the ghetto behavior for way too long.

  4. That's what blacks do.

  5. 12:21
    That's my point. When are we-as a civilized society - going to stop the gang and ghetto violence. 3 generations of Democratic govern in cities like Philly, Balto, Chicago, etc. and it's not gotten any better. Every citizen in every community needs to stop the ghetto attitude. Start the movement in church, school, barber shops, everywhere. No other country has this problem, so why do we continue to accept it and perpetuate it. It all starts in a ground roots effort. Stop making excuses. Stop blaming whites. Point the finger inward and fix it. "If it is to be, it's up to me."
    The social experiment has not worked and it's time to change it. Encourage people to help themselves and their communities. Don't expect the government to do it.

  6. He is a Soldier of the United States and is protected by Federal law. The Army should step in on his behalf. Should go into the area where it happened and shut it down. Then the coward thugs will run to their mommy's, if they even know who they are. Notice how they never attack one on one. That is called animal behavior.

  7. I haven't carried a hand gun for years but I think I will start again.


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