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Thursday, January 05, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Why won't the Wicomico Board of Education Recognize the generosity of Salisbury News


First I want to thank you for your gift of paying off the food debt for the children of Wicomico County. I am sadden though that the Wicomico County Board of Education has made no mention of it at all. I have checked their Facebook page daily. While they seem to post many things there is no mention of your good dead. I found it a bit ironic that they donated to Bless Our Children that will be distributed all over Delmarva but never considered taking care of the children in Wicomico County as you have now done. I have children that attend Wicomico County Public Schools but their accounts were up to date. I don't want to go around asking anyone if their debt was paid but with no notices being set or nothing being posted, I have to wonder. Was a notice sent to those parents? Do the children know they can get a hot meal now? I think the right and kind thing to do would be the Board of Education at least make some acknowledgement of this.

Staff members throughout Wicomico County Public Schools were pleased to support the 2016 WBOC TV 16 Bless Our Children campaign, managed by Draper Holdings Charitable Foundation Inc. This year's donation of $3,689 from school system employees was presented at WBOC by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Donna C. Hanlin and Joe Showacre of Parkside CTE, who coordinated the campaign to raise money for Bless Our Children through a system-wide casual day. Bless Our Children gathers donations from businesses, groups and individuals and puts them back into the community to help children. This year's campaign raised $265,656.



  1. So how do we know that they funds were actually used for the children? Something shady going on at the board of ed. As usual.

  2. You mean they haven't even told the children or their parents their accounts are paid!! Thats terrible

  3. They may be educated but don't have good sense.

  4. Joe fed hungry children. It shouldn't be political. It was just a decent, human thing to do. It shouldn't be about who likes who, he fed kids.

  5. Like to hear how they spent the $


  6. IIRC Joe posted a letter he got from the head of the food service dept. I don't think for a moment that I speak for Mr. Albero, but I think his gesture was sincere and motivated by a desire to do good rather than as a PR tactic.

    The district has recognition nights several times per year; the contribution was made after the most recent one, I think. So who knows. But the charitable action was the key!

    Thanks, Joe!

  7. They probably just used the money toward staff bonuses.

  8. wboe dont like outsiders playing in their sandbox! they have things just the way they want them and no need for the public to have any say other then just forwarding your money to them. times a changing, elected school board coming! yea!


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