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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Snow/Ice Storm This Morning On The Eastern Shore

Be very careful outside Ladies & Gentlemen because it's coming down snow and ice outside and the roads can't be good. 

I spoke with county roads last night and they said they can't pre treat the roads with salt because the salt would just turn into dust and blow away. Maryland is not anywhere near Delaware when it come to using a liquid system. 

Be careful out there Folks.


  1. "Maryland is not anywhere near Delaware when it come to using a liquid system"

    That's not all bad. The 'liquid' system is brine and it's VERY damaging to vehicles. It eats up the brake lines and does a lot of other damage.

    If it's just used on bridges and overpasses, that isn't such a bad thing, but less is better.

  2. "storm" might be pushing it a bit don't you think?
    Geesh- maybe we should close schools Tuesday too!


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