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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Same Paper, Same Date, Sold In Different Areas Depending The Level Of Political Parties In That Area.

Liberals want you to believe it's just the late edition, BS! This is just another reason print papers are flat out done. Take the Daily Times for example. Just ask around. I only have ONE neighbor left who gets the Daily Times. Most of my neighbors recently canceled  their subscriptions. My favorite excuse from them, "I'm done with it in two minutes every day". Face it, they made promises, (once again) they did not deliver on and people are no longer STUPID to their promises.

Yesterday was yet another prime example of their Fake News. They really want people to believe crime is down? Yeah, I guess when you cover all the crime up, when you refuse to investigate ANYTHING when it comes to crime and the lack of it being reported, I guess crime is down.

However, people aren't stupid. SBYNews has been exposing the crime issues for THIRTEEN YEARS. With millions of people viewing our Site these days, the Daily Times can TRY to continue to hide the truth but they are quickly learning people won't stand for it any more, unless you're a Liberal Idiot who just loves being lied to. 

Print News Is Dead.

1 comment:

  1. Every article that the Daily Waste of Times prints has a purpose. Look at any article: certain words or photos are used to get their liberal point across. Even the most benign stories will have a political slant. The best thing they can do is sever ties with Gannett, become independent and hire local journalist who understand our demographic.
    Yes, I cancelled my subscription after 25 years, when they printed their full page support of Her Royal Lie-ness. I had enough. If I want someone to tell me how to think, I'll ask my wife.


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