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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sheriff Mike Lewis: "Heading Into Harms Way"

OK, I've been receiving multiple messages referencing Sheriff Mike Lewis sending 25 Officers to Washington D.C. for President Trump's inauguration. Many are upset for a couple main reasons. One, who will be protecting Wicomico County and two, who is paying for this. 

Look, I have a few thoughts on this matter. One, it's not often in a Police Officers life they get a chance to participate in such a historic event. Since Jake Day and Chief Barbara Duncan claim crime is way down in Salisbury, hey, maybe these Officers aren't necessary anyway. 

Here's what does bother me though. When Sheriff Mike Lewis gets on television and puts on the Mike Lewis Show like he did yesterday. Yeah, it does make me kind of throw up in my mouth every so often. Mike said, we are definitely heading into harms way. 

REALLY MIKE, well what about those of us regular citizens who will be there. Are WE heading into harms way too? Are YOU trying to scare the public into believing YOU are heading into a WAR ZONE, or as you like to say, "GROUND ZERO". 

I just think Mike is a drama queen and loves the spotlight. Learn to be a bit more humble. Learn to keep your mouth shut. Go do what ALL of you were professionally trained/paid to do and keep our new President and his supporters safe. Knowing where Mike stands politically though, there's no better leader I'd like to see in Washington D.C. protecting citizens then Sheriff Mike Lewis. 

As for who is paying for this trip, well, if we have a bunch of bank robberies, stabbings, gun shots and drug deals, Wicomico County taxpayers will certainly pay for it. However, as a strong believer in Mayor Jake Day and Police Chief Barbara Duncan, IT'S ALL GOOD, THEY GOT THIS. (sarcasm) 

Finally, If nothing happens in D.C., it will be because Sheriff Lewis kept us safe. If something does happen, well, we'll be hearing about it for many weeks to come on WBOC and WMDT. In fact, they're probably preparing a commercial as we speak featuring Sheriff Lewis in D.C. stating WE WERE THERE, blah, blah, blah. Oh crap, did I just destroy their unpredictable and ingenious idea?

Anyhow, Sheriff Lewis, you are the man. You are the best of the best. You are our local hero. Golly Gee Willikers, I even have pictures standing next to this guy. 


  1. Trumps' becoming President is a whole lot more important than anyone in Wicomico County,including myself.That's the problem with people;they can't find an appropriate starting point,and EVERYTHING has an appropriate starting point, so first things first.This inauguration is the single most important political act in my lifetime.We'll be just fine.Besides,all anyone does is complain about our local law enforcement anyway,so what's new?

  2. Maybe his presents has been requested to help with maintaining order in the capital. Maybe a lot of other police from different counties and states with also be there. I agree with 5:57 , this is the most important inauguration in my life time . I welcome him and his deputies to help , it could be very nasty . We all have a bit of "wanna be hero " in us and we also like the spotlight at times. What the hell did you do this morning Joe , get up on the wrong side of the bed .
    We have the best police agency (County police) in the state , of course that's my opinion , you certainly gave yours. Also , do I detect a little jealousy in this post ?

    1. actually the word is presence not presents. but maybe Mikey gave some presents too to get the gig. anyway I don't think he's in harm's way unless some shooter is gonna pick off cameras

  3. County taxpayers will initially foot the bill for the expense of these deputies going. They will eventually be reimbursed by the feds for wages and rooms.

  4. Well, I'm inclined to go with Joe. I think sheriff Lewis will probably be ok as long as nobody fires at a camera.

  5. 6:21, Thank you for your comment. Jealous, not at all. As I said, if there's any officer I'd rather see there it would be Mike Lewis.

    My main criticism is the look at me script. Throwing out statements like bringing my men and women into harms way.

    I don't see local Marines and other armed forces leaders being interviewed. It's their JOB. It's what they were trained to do. Look, I don't blame WBOC or WMDT either. They're smart. Why not get someone as gullible as Mike Lewis on their shows as often as they can. It sells ads.

    Do tell me, is crime down in Wicomico County? Who knows, right! I can tell you that crime is way up, yet the man is labeled a hero and NO ONE has the stones enough to stand up to him, except me and that scares the crap out of him.

    Instead of me being right, he simply bashes the crap out of me because he cannot and will not go public with anything to do with crime being up or down. HELLO!

    Jealous, I think not. Disappointed, absolutely. However, don't think it's all about my disappointment in Mike Lewis. I'm extremely disappointed in the fact that your local media refuses to publish the crime figures, leaving all of you in the dark.

    So praise him all you want, that's cool. However, Mike ain't all that, that's for sure. Just ask the majority of his staff. Oh, that's right, they won't talk either because they're scared he'll retaliate and put you in security at schools and court house. Oh, if only you people really knew what's going on over there.

  6. So what? Sherrif Dept doesn't do much. Guess the slumlords will have to put off their evictions until next week.

  7. Is everyone aware that not ALL deputies work EVERYDAY, certainly they are "on call" if the $hit hits the fan and they are needed but most of these deputies we off and volunteered for the assignment, now I am sure their lodging is being paid by some secret fund Mike keeps for a rainy day but worrying about who is keeping this county safe is not needed, I know who is protecting this county for the next 3 days and I am not worried!! Now as far as the Mike Lewis show goes, I too throw up in my mouth every time he opens his mouth. I hope him and Gary Baker enjoy sharing a room !!

  8. going out in wicomico is going into harms way!

  9. Maybe Mike was referring to the shadow government {being in harms way} {the politically controlled intelligence deprts}and not so much the progressive democrats threatening violence...

  10. mike loves the spotlight, but I will say at least he's better then babs!

  11. I hope Mike has a good zoom lens on his cell phone because they will be 10 blocks away.

  12. Mike is all about mike. If He was at a drug stop it always became his drug stop if anything found. However as a taxpayer I'm glad he is going with 25 deputies. I hope the deputies represent us well and everything goes ok.

    1. 7:47. And Joe is all about Joe!!!

  13. So Mike is a showboat - so what!

  14. Mike isn't going into "Harm's way". He's going there to make sure"Harm" stays away, that's all. Same as all the other military and LEO's.

    Quit grandstanding, Mike!

  15. The good Sheriff's Joe Arpaio, Davis Clarke, etc.are the strong ones, along with many, many more. I am not knocking Wicomico County, but to say we have the best department in Maryland, wow. There are a lot of counties and you don't have to look too far for comparison. I am a resident of Wicomico, but Worcester certainly compares along with many more. I'm not familiar with the show you mention on TV, but can imagine. Reading pieces you would get the impression Wicomico will be the headliner across the bridge, like ground zero last year. Lol I ask, how many will go to D.C. from Worcester and other counties? Inquire and you will find equal LEO's, but you don't hear of it because it is part of their duties and they leave and pray to come back safe.I personally know many men and women that were on the job in Baltimore, from different area's and they don't mention it. It is of my opinion if I were working it, I would be thrilled that Bikers for Trump were backing me off the record. Prayers to all on Friday, it will be a wonderful event.

  16. It's obvious he loves to give his opinion and be on TV, no one can argue with that. Perhaps he is trying to get Wicomico County noticed by the new administration. I also believe a majority of these deputies WANT to be there.

  17. Now I can put off replacing my tag light one more day. ;)
    Loved the sarcasm. Mike does like the limelight. Remember when he drove the armored humvee to Baltimore
    My wife thinks he has a serious case of LDS. Anyone know what that means?

    1. How would your wife know he has a LD?

  18. Give us a break! The man acts like a child. He desparately needs to be schooled in professional judgement and conduct becoming the office. Just sad.

  19. Sad Mikey that your need to be noticed outweighs with onico counties safety. Wasn't that road rage shooting right over in your neighborhood??

  20. So if they can spare 25 officers for a day,I think there is room to eliminate a few jobs.Its not like they are doing anything anyway around here!

  21. HOW is he going to get on his moped to get there ?

  22. Due to not watching our local stations, I looked this clip up on WBOC. I realize everyone's opinions vary. With that in mine here are my thoughts. After listening to the leading LEO of Wicomico, sounds like Wicomico is headed off to a war zone without the proper training, placing men and women in 'harm's way". "Yuge" difference going to a police academy than a military academy. Upon viewing, the good Lt of Worcester County Sheriff's Office, speaks proudly of having been there many times before and they are looking forward to being there rubbing shoulders with lawmen from all over the country. I also realize the difference today with the nut jobs walking our streets, created by the past eight years of this humiliating administration. We can only hope it will be as the good Lt Ed Schreier opines. I also believe Biker for Trump will be a great asset. Having faith they will only step up if needed. Thanks to all attending, enjoy.

  23. Mikey has arrived in DC, everybody can go home now !!! LOl

    1. Now its open season on banks and robberys since wcso isnt around lock and load people protect yourselves.

  24. Not a fan of his obvious grandstanding. But, I'm glad they'll be there.

  25. Perfect !!! You mouth runners are right on spot. As I expected the slimy comments against the honor bestowed on the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department are flowing.

    For the life of me I cannot understand how Mike Lewis was elected to office so many times. If he runs again it is a given he WiLL NOT win. After reading that ignorant statement so many time, its must be gospel

  26. A lot of jealousy spoken here. Not ANY commander is appreciated by all rank and file. Any one who has run a business knows that truth! Sheriff Lewis is one of the best, many of us truly appreciate his toughness, or grandstanding, as you report it. He will be re-elected as long as he wants the job and that is probably what pisses folks off. No one better qualified than him. People just hate it when someone other than themselves are revered more than them! Sheriff and his staff are headed into a danger zone, just look back at riots several months ago in Baltimore over a thug dieing.....

    1. DC has been gentrified for decades. You must have last visited DC in the 80's.

  27. I hear mike is staying at the plaza while the deputues stay in hotel 6?

  28. There is one thing for sure, " THERE WILL BE LAW AND ORDER IN DC WITH MIKE LEWIS AND GARY BAKER IN DC! THEY WILL STAND FOR NO LESS! THEY ARE THE BEST IN MY EYES! I'm proud that our secret service asked Mike to help them.

  29. I would say this is his way of getting on TV again, he will hunt down to the ends of the earth a TV reporter and camera crew!

  30. He will prob be the Blunder, if anything happened !!

    They don't need him there, and will prob tell him to stay
    out of the way !!!

    He showing Off again > need 2 term limits !!!

  31. I think you all need to be in mike lewis' shoes for a month then tell us your comments. Its not a job just any joe can do. Im proud of our sheriff. You that are so negitive need to just try any form of law inforcement. Its not like it was "back in the day" its a very dangerous, crazy world. Be thankful mike lewis cares about our negitive, thankless county. Karma is not a good thing.

  32. All he does is Kiss County Ass
    He walks on eggshells for the Real Bosses downtown > Fact

    He nothing more than a YES man , when they say Jump, he ask
    them > How High ???

  33. Good thing for you guys is that it's an elected position. Don't like him, run against him. You don't even have to be a cop to be Sheriff in MD.

  34. The county will actually make money on this assignment. All expenses are being paid by D.C., even the salaries of those attending.

  35. He needs to go to the Real Ground Zero, right next door
    to the Sheriff's office .....the Detention Center and
    arrest those corrupt Leaders there , who have made life
    miserable for the poor corrections officers for years !!!

    Kaouromakis , Kimble , Cauffman !!!

  36. Directed @12:20......
    Blah blah blah cry me a river. Get a life.

  37. Hell, in MD you can even be an ex inmate !!

  38. What's the big deal about him and his "men" going? There are Sheriffs and their staff going from all over the country. Wboc makes it sound like he is the only one going what a joke.

  39. Nobody is going to put in harm's way - once again the liberal media has blown this all out of proportion - it has and will continue to be a peaceful transfer of power. Every inauguration has had some form of protestors or civil unrest - there may be a few protestors and of course the liberal media will play upon it, but I really think Mike Lewis is completely overreacting.

  40. 12:33 He wants to make it a Big Deal so he can Show Off

  41. Did he take his Radar gun ??

  42. Time for a New Sheriff in town ,

    2 Term Limits Needed for ALL Elected Positions Everywhere!

    The Real cops are City Police .....He came from the MSP
    which are Nothing but Overpaid Ticket writers !!

  43. Instead of sending all of Mike's ass kissers maybe they should have picked based on performance. You have the same people that get to do whatever they want anytime something comes up. Just like training. There is one female has been to every training she wants but then again she was deputy of the year lol. Mike runs the place just like a high school. It is a F**king joke. Just look at that end of the hall none of them have made a felony arrest except Mikey. I would say 10 at max. Somebody needs to stay close to home. The citizens are more important than elected idiots. I voted Trump but they are all the same. This man has had ties to the Russian Mob for 30 years. Lets not put a crown on him just yet.

  44. I'm concerned....who do we call in Wicomico county if something goes wrong while our sheriff is out of town with his whole staff????

  45. You would think he is going to D Day in Normandy
    by the way he acts ......

    I'm sure he will be safe in DC since the Real Police there
    will be Protecting him........so don't worry !!!

    He can sit and watch the show.......

  46. 1:23 You call Ghost Busters ...that's who You call !!!

  47. Guess he will get the Medal of Honor after his Big Battle
    in DC !!! Such a Dangerous Warzone !!! WEW

    Put some more Stars on his Collar to look like a General !!

  48. Let us know when you are back from the Battle of the Bulge
    Iwo Jima and Okinawa !!

  49. Godspeed to Sheriff Lewis and his group as they embark on DC! Keep our new President and new First Family safe and sound as well as yourselves! I'm proud to see some of our local police going to lend a hand in this massive event!

  50. 123 maybe you should think about that the next time you bitch about gun control. You have a 2nd Amendment right to have a firearm, would suggest you use it while the sheriffs are in DC. Note to you: Put on your thinking cap!

  51. Anonymous said...
    Perfect !!! You mouth runners are right on spot. As I expected the slimy comments against the honor bestowed on the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department are flowing.

    For the life of me I cannot understand how Mike Lewis was elected to office so many times. If he runs again it is a given he WiLL NOT win. After reading that ignorant statement so many time, its must be gospel

    January 19, 2017 at 9:46 AM

    I can assure you that no one will beat him... now move along Chipmonk you are wasting good oxygen.

  52. Anonymous said...
    There is one thing for sure, " THERE WILL BE LAW AND ORDER IN DC WITH MIKE LEWIS AND GARY BAKER IN DC! THEY WILL STAND FOR NO LESS! THEY ARE THE BEST IN MY EYES! I'm proud that our secret service asked Mike to help them.

    January 19, 2017 at 10:28 AM

    I'm pretty sure they weren't asked, I could say I bet Mike begged to be there.

  53. The biggest concern I have with this is why is the Sheriff and the Chief Deputy going?? They want man power and they have their own leaders who will be running the show, not Mike or Gary.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Time for a New Sheriff in town ,

    2 Term Limits Needed for ALL Elected Positions Everywhere!

    The Real cops are City Police .....He came from the MSP
    which are Nothing but Overpaid Ticket writers !!

    January 19, 2017 at 12:56 PM

    City Police???? ROTFLMAO!!!

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He will prob be the Blunder, if anything happened !!

    They don't need him there, and will prob tell him to stay
    out of the way !!!

    He showing Off again > need 2 term limits !!!

    January 19, 2017 at 11:07 AM

    I'm a voter and we don't want your so called 2 term limits and it isn't going to happen!

  56. Anonymous said...
    Good thing for you guys is that it's an elected position. Don't like him, run against him. You don't even have to be a cop to be Sheriff in MD.

    January 19, 2017 at 12:24 PM

    You are correct. Absolutely no criteria or qualifications required what so ever to be elected and I am thinking about running myself.

  57. Anonymous said...
    He needs to go to the Real Ground Zero, right next door
    to the Sheriff's office .....the Detention Center and
    arrest those corrupt Leaders there , who have made life
    miserable for the poor corrections officers for years !!!

    Kaouromakis , Kimble , Cauffman !!!

    January 19, 2017 at 12:27 PM

    And here is another idea. The County Council can create a County Police Department with the County Police Chief answering to the County Executive. Then the County Police Department would have to get permission from the County Council before then could respond to Baltimore for the riots or to DC for the inaugurations. Then the Sheriff's Office could be in charge of Court Security and the Detention Center.

    Does anyone like that idea?

  58. Anonymous said...
    What's the big deal about him and his "men" going? There are Sheriffs and their staff going from all over the country. Wboc makes it sound like he is the only one going what a joke.
    January 19, 2017 at 12:33 PM

    Oh really?? Name the other Sheriff's that are going to DC to play cops and robbers?? Name them please! I'm waiting!

  59. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm concerned....who do we call in Wicomico county if something goes wrong while our sheriff is out of town with his whole staff????

    January 19, 2017 at 1:23 PM

    Don't worry little Girl. We have more Deputies in town and we also have the Maryland State Police.

    1. People are stupid we still have SPD, apparently no one can protect themselves now days

  60. "who gonna protect our streets" jeez put it purses away and grab firearms and protect urself everyone grow some balls a d not be so jelouse of Mike for being able to protect our president I stead everyone bitches about safety lime Mike is ur daddy

  61. General Mike Lewis is meeting with MAD DOG in DC !!

  62. I guess under Hunter Nelms no deputies went to D.C. No just the opposite but Hunter was not a media whore like Little Mikey. I had some respect for the man when he was a Trooper. As a Sheriff he sucks. All he does is self promote anytime a camera or politician is near. I also think he is one insecure man around any man or woman who would call him on his bullshit. There is no other reason to do what he does if he had self respect. Mike has surrounded himself with yes men and women. These same men and women that turned on Hunter Nelms the minute he announced his retirement. They will do the same to Mike trust me. Ass kissing has become a fine art at the Sheriff's Office. You might say some have a Doctorate in it. Tell me again what benefits Mike got his troops. The answer is none. Mike continues to buy Mikey toys. I will give him credit he is out there on HIS journey. He truly deserves to be on the Academy Awards for best actor. Mike could learn a lot from Sheriff Joe Gamble. That is how you lead and build respect. Enough said.

  63. I am sitting here a innocent bystander reading negative comments about SPD. Now I admit I may not know what I'm talking about because I am not in law enforcement and don't know any officer or employee of the SPD. I do have a friend that when visiting him, he has a scanner on (not my preference) around the clock, I think. What I do notice is SPD seems to have much more activity going on at night than MSP and WCSO combined. Like I say, I might be wrong...what say you?

  64. 7:01 S.P.D. handles 70% of the total calls for service in Wicomico County. They handle 5-1 over the Sheriff's Office and 11-1 over the boys in brown. With that said I still do not understand why we can not find a Chief somewhere between Mike's and Bab's leadership ability. Mike is a narcissist media whore and Babs is well Babs. City is still bleeding cops and Road Deputies want to hand Mike and use Gary as the extra weight to get the job done. We all knew Mike was a drama momma when he got the job. So until he is ready to go or someone with the balls and background to run against him he is our little Sheriff. Honestly the man looks tired or drunk in that picture. I hope nothing serious. Get him away from the camera he is actually a funny guy. Hope all are home safe. I did see one deputy with a tube of chap stick the size of a can of beer. Lips had calluses all over from kissing soooo much ass. Anyone know who it was lol.

    No it was not Gary. He quit kissing ass when Hunter left.

  65. Mikey seriously dude what is up with your eyes in that picture ??? You did not cry like that when you lost your class ring.

  66. 6:39, And yet you still keep coming back for more.

  67. Sure Mike likes to be on camera. But it is a big once in a lifetime opportunity for the officers who volunteered to go to D.C. As a retired LEO
    every time you put that badge on to go to work you are going to be in harms way. Especially now as it seems all police have targets on their backs just because of their job and the stupidity of our out going President. And we all know about the recent riots in Baltimore. So I suppose that could be the reason Mike said that. And yes there are many more counties and law enforcement agencies going to help. They even showed Worcester County police gearing up to go on television. So even though Mike may make a big deal of everything let's cut him some slack. He is doing a job that most people don't want to do especially in this day and time.

  68. Where did you say who is footing the bill?

  69. 10:40
    On a friendly note, I was speaking of the uniformed street men and women. I got the idea some remarks were saying these officers could not handle backing up anyone with the sheriff absent. I agree with your message 100%. Also, I have never been impressed with the chief.

  70. Mike Lewis' interests aren't here with the residents of wicomico county any longer, everything he is involved in is west of the bay bridge. Next step Annapolis

  71. He goes into harms way any time he has a call, this is no different. He will probably be just fine.

  72. Little man syndrome.

  73. Nice to see the Lolly pop gild was represented.

  74. 3:57 If he tries to make the move to Annapolis, there are some people that will come forward with information that will prevent him for ever taking office.

  75. 4:38 are you referring to his sexuality ?

  76. Hunter Nelms sent deputies too for the Inauguration of W


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