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Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Letter To The Editor: Re. 32 Annual Birthday Celebration and Commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

At the MLK Dinner at the Wicomico County Youth and Civic Center last night, January 16, 2017, the person that did the opening prayer for the banquet started ragging on President Elect Donald Trump and made some threatening comments about him. He was also making comments daring trump to cut the budget on different welfare programs. It was ugly and uncomfortable for some people in the audience. I heard people saying they will never attend another NAACP function again, especially the MLK Banquet. 

I think the person was a so call preacher by the name of Bishop Anthony Dickerson, New Greater Mt. Olive Full Gospel Baptist Church, Cambridge Maryland. That man is a racist person and he was inciting a riot. That "prayer" was very inappropriate for a publicly funded youth and civic center.


  1. In the past i would tell it like it is. Truth is now i will just pray for the racist haters. NAACP and that reverend need my prayers.

    1. Someone should have approached Bishop Dickerson after it was over and let him know that it was inappropriate. Or, make phone calls to the president of the NAACP and make your feelings known.

  2. What would you expect..Really!

  3. While I was sitting at home teaching my children about MLK and all the good he did, this "Bishop" was doing the exact opposite of what the man they were there to celebrate would have done. What a shame. No wonder the NAACP has such a bad reputation.

  4. And who are the racist

  5. Anthony Dickerson is a life loser who couldn't hold a job in the real world...good thing he is a 'so-called' Revrun

  6. He's most likely getting hand outs himself.

  7. He is a pathetic loser and a racist. Shame on him bashing on our President during a so called prayer.

  8. All over John Lewis who is a criminal that has been arrested over 25 times.

    I pray that some day there will be laws against people running for office if they have been arrested.

    1. You do know that Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested 30 times, right?

    2. MLK was also a Republican....FACT.

    3. 703 your dumb.

  9. Yes that did happen. I was there.

  10. "So called preacher" is right. That's the problem. Most African American "preachers" are fakes. This imposter obviously has no impulse control either. Last night was a time to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr Martin Luther King. Why the fake preacher couldn't control himself for one night and keep on point is typical. No impulse control. We see it when the so call peaceful protests turn into they tearing stuff up.

  11. It's funny how some 'civil rights' supporters preach tolerance and inclusiveness ( in an un-civil manner) as long as you agree with their views. The NAACP is no longer a relevant organization, anyway. Even the acronym should not be said full- length, because liberals are offended by the word " colored" - equating it with racial undertones. The NAACP, Had its origins with good intentions, as 'negros and colored people' were treated unequally. But, today, it is merely a sounding board for racial epithets toward whites, continually blaming them for suppression- for, what is it now- 50 years?
    Until race based organizations like the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus and Black Lives Matter, etc. Are dismantled, racial tensions will only continue to worsen.

  12. WHEN is Al Sharpton going to be Arrested?

  13. A black "preacher" once bragged to a few white privileged guys (I witnessed it) that the best job a person could have is being a black preacher. He said you boys can't do it because you are not black. He went on to make fun of the congregation, saying they put him up in a nice home, buy him a new car, feed him, pay him, etc.etc. This was during the week, as he was headed out to rabbit hunt with the dogs in his new car. He couldn't stop making fun of his people by suggesting they were silly to treat him that way for delivering a sermon on Sunday and going to different churches anytime of the week for a meal. He was living large and didn't think he was worth it.

    This nut job that spoke at the MLK dinner should take notes from the King family, especially the daughter. The people in attendance should have walked out, unless they agreed with him.

  14. Shame on the whole congregation for allowing this racist hateful person to spew his poison. Atleast now everyone knows about your cult.

  15. Blogger SURJ DELMARVA said...
    You do know that Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested 30 times, right?

    January 17, 2017 at 7:03 AM

    And your point??? He was also a womanizing cheater who was sleeping with Tennessee State Senator Georgia Davis Powers the same night he was shot. Now do you think he is still the sacred angel that you idiots claim he was.

  16. ok so this CHRISTIAN Leader is spewing HATE AND RACISM! Not a christian - this is a HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was there I would have walked out, but I bet no one walked out!!!!!!!!!!

  17. MLK's niece voted for Trump and says she's praying for him and all leaders.

    1. I didn't vote for Trump but I'm praying for him and all our leaders. God is going to change hearts and minds of people to do His will.

  18. And Jake Day right up there in the middle of them talking about a so called "lynching" that happened in Salisbury nearly 100 years ago saying "it won't happen again." DUH!! You little Snowflake. If it hasn't happened since 1931 I can guarantee you that it won't happen again.

    That idiot was playing the typical Democrat Slavemaster roll keeping blacks in their places, but making them feel like he cares about them.

    1. Wow you saw all that? And yup. He sacrificed his life so that others may live better. Get your life and direct your hate else where

  19. I bet Jake Day was there bragging that crime was down in Salisbury!

  20. Mary....Mary Ashanti....Where are you?

  21. So true. No real black churches in the country. Most of the so called black churches are political pulpits for the democrat agenda and party and the truth is you can not be a Christian and a democrat If they say otherwise that is just more black lies. The democrat platform is the doctrine of satan. Real Christians do not pick and choose what parts of the Bible to follow. Black churches and their preachers have perverted the Christian faith and they are paying dearly for it with all the crime and violence within the race.

    1. And all white churches/preachers are real? You forget about, Jimmy Swaggert, Benny Hinn, etc. So sick of people telling lies about a class of people. Look in the mirror...

  22. People of all colors need to stand up and walk out when ANYONE starts spewing racist division.

    Shut down even your friends when they want to yuk it up at someone else's expense.

    Be aware and recognize it, then treat it for what it is: undeserving of your time and attention and support.


  23. Were all MLK's arrests protest related? Remember where they took place; a segregated south where black people had no standing. Black leaders today are hypocrites and have lost Dr. King's intentions. The NAACP is a farce; they have not advanced anything. The likes of Sharpton and these other "reverends" have a single agenda which is keeping the pot stirred and lining their pockets.

  24. Anonymous said...
    It's funny how some 'civil rights' supporters preach tolerance and inclusiveness ( in an un-civil manner) as long as you agree with their views. The NAACP is no longer a relevant organization, anyway. Even the acronym should not be said full- length, because liberals are offended by the word " colored" - equating it with racial undertones. The NAACP, Had its origins with good intentions, as 'negros and colored people' were treated unequally. But, today, it is merely a sounding board for racial epithets toward whites, continually blaming them for suppression- for, what is it now- 50 years?
    Until race based organizations like the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus and Black Lives Matter, etc. Are dismantled, racial tensions will only continue to worsen.

    January 17, 2017 at 7:30 AM

    After Crackhead John Lewis started attacking President Trump and saying he wasn't a legitimate President he was calling him a racist and saying that racism is alive and that "we ain't there yet."

    Guess what Mr. Crackhead we are there and we have been until that illegal Muslim from Kenya walked into the White House.

  25. Blogger SURJ DELMARVA said...
    You do know that Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested 30 times, right?

    January 17, 2017 at 7:03 AM

    You all do know that SURJ Delmarva means "Showing Up 4 Racial Justice Delmarva" Yes it is the local racist group that tries to protest things on the Shore to start a race war.

    1. that race war would last 5 min.

    2. He's been on here before a total nut job who adores himself. Idiot

  26. "SURJ DELMARVA" is that group that token Whitey's Susan Hargreaves Parker and Ron Pagano are members of. Susan is the one making a lot of comments on here.

  27. Anonymous said...

    This nut job that spoke at the MLK dinner should take notes from the King family, especially the daughter. The people in attendance should have walked out, unless they agreed with him.

    January 17, 2017 at 7:59 AM

    The "black" people in attendance was cheering him on. The white people just sat there. Can you imagine what would happen if they got up and left after that racist speech. I bet the whites would be labeled a racist at minimum. They probably would have been ganged up on.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Shame on the whole congregation for allowing this racist hateful person to spew his poison. Atleast now everyone knows about your cult.

    January 17, 2017 at 8:01 AM

    The blacks in the audience were cheering him on and clapping.

  29. You guys must remember , in this election Hillary awakened a sleeping giant , the silent majority.
    We will not stand still any longer , if this is the way you want it , so be it.
    It's all about race , the blacks of America who support BLM and Al Sharpton are making a very large mistake .
    I will say it again , we will not tolerate these movements anymore that are lies and false . BEWARE people .

  30. Anonymous said...
    I bet Jake Day was there bragging that crime was down in Salisbury!

    January 17, 2017 at 8:05 AM

    Yep. You know he was!

  31. See how blacks lie? They can't help themselves. Always doing that lying. Trump has never mentioned cutting welfare. What a disgrace. Anyone who cheered Bishop Lying Garbage and anyone who attends his fake church has a special place in hell waiting for them.

    1. He will cut welfare here in cambridge you now have to go to a class on fraud and take a random drug test which needs to be done in all states amd there needs to be more enforcement as the system is being ripped off by thugs.

    2. You better watch your mouth, your being racist yourself and keep that Bishop off your lips he's still a man a God.... There's a place for people like you too so you better be careful of what you say that goes for everybody!!!!!

  32. Wow, after all the hard work SBYNews does to improve race relations... It's a crime...

  33. Anonymous said...
    Were all MLK's arrests protest related? Remember where they took place; a segregated south where black people had no standing. Black leaders today are hypocrites and have lost Dr. King's intentions. The NAACP is a farce; they have not advanced anything. The likes of Sharpton and these other "reverends" have a single agenda which is keeping the pot stirred and lining their pockets.

    January 17, 2017 at 8:13 AM

    I have to agree with you that the NAACP is doing absolutely nothing in their communities. Why aren't they protesting about black on black crime! Like you said it is a FARCE but those idiot politicians are afraid of them!!

  34. Anonymous said...
    You guys must remember , in this election Hillary awakened a sleeping giant , the silent majority.
    We will not stand still any longer , if this is the way you want it , so be it.
    It's all about race , the blacks of America who support BLM and Al Sharpton are making a very large mistake .
    I will say it again , we will not tolerate these movements anymore that are lies and false . BEWARE people .

    January 17, 2017 at 8:32 AM

    100% Spot ON!!

  35. Anonymous said...
    that race war would last 5 min.

    January 17, 2017 at 8:35 AM

    Please elaborate???

    1. Thugs against Real Americans ...5 minutes.

  36. It would seem most democrats are upset over the election because there will no longer be an administration to support and fuel their perceived race wars and mocked racial divisions.

  37. Anonymous said...
    avoiding paying taxes also.

    January 17, 2017 at 8:36 AM

    And who is avoiding paying taxes? Al Sharpton?

  38. Anonymous said...
    Wow, after all the hard work SBYNews does to improve race relations... It's a crime...

    January 17, 2017 at 8:39 AM

    WTH are you talking about?? SBYNews is exposing the truth and you can't handle that?? Wah!! Here's your safety pin and coloring book.

  39. The Clinton campaign were caught in the leaked emails calling blacks lazy and losers and this is why! Instead of this disgrace of a human being who is not a real man of God by anyone's stretch of the imagination saying Trump should be held to his word saying he will bring jobs to all, this ghetto garbage posing as a bishop, brings up welfare! Yep LAZY LOSERS just like the Clinton campaign said they were. Funny thing is blacks are so ignorant and so low information they still voted overwhelmingly for her even after the insult. It's funny to sit back and watch how ignorant they are. This is why they can't get ahead and first generation immigrants are becoming the professionals while they are mostly becoming single mothers on welfare and criminals.

  40. The blacks are mad at Trump because he is a white man and they think they think they had a black man in the highest elected position in the country for 8 years. They are too stupid to understand that Obama is a Fraud and so was his election. The many is half white and half Kenyan. He is not one of them and he doesn't care about them. IDIOTS!!

  41. Thank you for posting this story!

  42. To SURJ Delmarva: I need assistance from your organization. I am 58 years old and have been discriminated against multiple times in my life, based solely on my race. I often times felt angry and discouraged because of government programs to give jobs to other races based merely on their skin color, regardless of the person's qualifications for the job.


    1. Now you know how Blacks feel...

    2. BS you have to apply first and "qualify" for the position. No freeloading with affirmative action and lower standards.

  43. "Anonymous said...

    In the past i would tell it like it is. Truth is now i will just pray for the racist haters. NAACP and that reverend need my prayers.

    January 17, 2017 at 5:23 AM'

    Don't pray for them. They deserve to go to hell just like they deserve to be wallowing in their hell hole war zone neighborhoods. Anyway God already has a place set aside in hell for them because they are the most immoral things to ever walk the face of the earth and it's not up to us to change His plan for them. They have to change it for themselves and become good people.

    1. Hope you feel the same way about your trailor park, heroin addicted brethen

  44. 10:10 don't waste your time engaging such filth. They are worthy of any of the good righteous people's time and they best not ever forget it. Used toilet paper has more value then any of the filth that associates with that group.

  45. Don't be silly 3:54. No one said all white churches were real DID THEY! We aren't talking about white this or that so stop trying to change the subject. It won't work around here-do you understand. Keep the deflections with your own garbage kind. The FACT is 99.9 percent of blacks who say they are Christians preachers included are LIARS. They are liars. Most vote democrat and you can't be a real Christian and a democrat. Oh you can tell your lies about it all day long but doesn't change the fact that the democrat platform is the doctrine of satan and this is why God is reigning down His punishment on the democrat strongholds like the inner cities. All the violence is God punishing a very very immoral people. Unfortunately they are so bad and evil they ignore Him and continue on with their sinning ways

    1. And you probably call yourself a "christian" because you vote Republican? So sad...but I'll pray for you.

  46. It makes me sick to think he did that and that people didnt leave, Alot of blacks around here voted for and like Trump. And everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions. So he disserviced his self. He doesnt speak for us. I ve been told that he is a womanizer and a adulter and had a child outside his marriage. Know this before you generalize blacks on here for this, he doesnt speak for me or many others in this community. The local Naacp is more so a clique than it is a community resource and/or out reach. More grass now than roots.

  47. If you want blacks to see more of your view stop spewing it in a hateful manner and stop doing it in the same sentence of supporting Trump

  48. I agree with post 5:05. Walk out on racists whether they are white or black or what ever spectrum of the rainbow.

    Fact is, Rev. King wanted EVERYBODY judged on the content of their character not the color of their skin.

    Most blacks today...I believe do not agree with Martin Luther King.

    Martin Luther King was a republican and against affirmative action.

  49. Anonymous said...
    The Clinton campaign were caught in the leaked emails calling blacks lazy and losers and this is why! Instead of this disgrace of a human being who is not a real man of God by anyone's stretch of the imagination saying Trump should be held to his word saying he will bring jobs to all, this ghetto garbage posing as a bishop, brings up welfare! Yep LAZY LOSERS just like the Clinton campaign said they were. Funny thing is blacks are so ignorant and so low information they still voted overwhelmingly for her even after the insult. It's funny to sit back and watch how ignorant they are. This is why they can't get ahead and first generation immigrants are becoming the professionals while they are mostly becoming single mothers on welfare and criminals.
    January 17, 2017 at 9:19 AM

    Well said, and you must understand that is their nature. They still have the "jungle" mentality in their DNA. They are also idolizing a man who was cheating on his wife the night he was shot. And this man also carries the title of "Reverend." Not only was this "Reverend" a cheater, he was one of the most hated men by the FBI Director. He was being watched the night of his death by the FBI and local police officers. AS someone stated in an earlier post he was arrested more than 30 times. He was a threat to this Nations security by acting as a traitor against our government, but the liberals caved in and made him a Martyr. Stupid idiots in this country. If you get offended by this comment then your are an uneducated idiot. Look it up first before you get offended.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To SURJ Delmarva: I need assistance from your organization. I am 58 years old and have been discriminated against multiple times in my life, based solely on my race. I often times felt angry and discouraged because of government programs to give jobs to other races based merely on their skin color, regardless of the person's qualifications for the job.


    January 17, 2017 at 10:10 AM


  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Anonymous said...

    In the past i would tell it like it is. Truth is now i will just pray for the racist haters. NAACP and that reverend need my prayers.

    January 17, 2017 at 5:23 AM'

    Don't pray for them. They deserve to go to hell just like they deserve to be wallowing in their hell hole war zone neighborhoods. Anyway God already has a place set aside in hell for them because they are the most immoral things to ever walk the face of the earth and it's not up to us to change His plan for them. They have to change it for themselves and become good people.

    January 17, 2017 at 10:51 AM

    Exactly. I applaud trump for reaching out to Ben Carson and Steve Harvey to help with the inner cities, but it isn't going to help. Think about where African-Americans came from? The jungles! What is the difference with the ghettos they live in now? They are concrete jungles. They will never change.

    1. you and your words are disgusting!

    2. And the trailer parks look like 18th century plague infested drug holes

  52. Anonymous said...
    10:10 don't waste your time engaging such filth. They are worthy of any of the good righteous people's time and they best not ever forget it. Used toilet paper has more value then any of the filth that associates with that group.

    January 17, 2017 at 10:55 AM

    You are right on the money and to think Jake Day has teamed up with them. Stupid Democrat.

  53. Anonymous said...
    And all white churches/preachers are real? You forget about, Jimmy Swaggert, Benny Hinn, etc. So sick of people telling lies about a class of people. Look in the mirror...

    January 17, 2017 at 3:54 PM

    Um... Jimmy Swaggert and Benny Hinn didn't promote racism. By the way Benny Hinn isn't white anyways.

    Quit trying to deflect away from the fact that your preacher is a racist thug and race baiter.

    1. There is no such word as anyways; get out the dictionary, please.

  54. Anonymous said...
    Now you know how Blacks feel...

    January 17, 2017 at 4:05 PM

    HUH?? Please elaborate.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Don't be silly 3:54. No one said all white churches were real DID THEY! We aren't talking about white this or that so stop trying to change the subject. It won't work around here-do you understand. Keep the deflections with your own garbage kind. The FACT is 99.9 percent of blacks who say they are Christians preachers included are LIARS. They are liars. Most vote democrat and you can't be a real Christian and a democrat. Oh you can tell your lies about it all day long but doesn't change the fact that the democrat platform is the doctrine of satan and this is why God is reigning down His punishment on the democrat strongholds like the inner cities. All the violence is God punishing a very very immoral people. Unfortunately they are so bad and evil they ignore Him and continue on with their sinning ways

    January 17, 2017 at 4:10 PM

    BINGO!! You beat me to it.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Wow you saw all that? And yup. He sacrificed his life so that others may live better. Get your life and direct your hate else where

    January 17, 2017 at 4:57 PM

    What the heck are you talking about? What are you referring to?

  57. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It makes me sick to think he did that and that people didnt leave, Alot of blacks around here voted for and like Trump. And everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions. So he disserviced his self. He doesnt speak for us. I ve been told that he is a womanizer and a adulter and had a child outside his marriage. Know this before you generalize blacks on here for this, he doesnt speak for me or many others in this community. The local Naacp is more so a clique than it is a community resource and/or out reach. More grass now than roots.

    January 17, 2017 at 5:05 PM

    Thank you for your input!

  58. Anonymous said...
    Hope you feel the same way about your trailor park, heroin addicted brethen

    January 17, 2017 at 5:08 PM

    What are you talking about??

  59. Anonymous said...
    If you want blacks to see more of your view stop spewing it in a hateful manner and stop doing it in the same sentence of supporting Trump

    January 17, 2017 at 6:07 PM


  60. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I agree with post 5:05. Walk out on racists whether they are white or black or what ever spectrum of the rainbow.

    Fact is, Rev. King wanted EVERYBODY judged on the content of their character not the color of their skin.

    Most blacks today...I believe do not agree with Martin Luther King.

    Martin Luther King was a republican and against affirmative action.

    January 17, 2017 at 9:47 PM

    The content of his character wasn't worth bragging about either. And yes he was a Republican. Any good black man would be against AA anyways. It keeps a race dependent on the government.

  61. 3:07
    Actually yes there is such a word.

    **Anyways is a colloquial variant of the adverb anyway. It has a casual tone and may be considered out of place in formal or serious writing. In such contexts, anyway is safer.

    Although considered informal, anyways is not wrong. In fact, there is much precedent in English for the adverbial -s suffix, which was common in Old and Middle English and survives today in words such as towards, once, always, and unawares. But while these words survive from a period of English in which the adverbial -s was common, anyways is a modern construction (though it is now several centuries old). **

  62. GOOD JOB BISHOP Dickerson! Job well done!

  63. First and foremost see ppl take and turn things the way they want them. I was there and there was nothing said that was racist....basically what was said was "what ever Trump was to do politically and economically we as a ppl have to trust God". As you should know not everyone African American, Asian, Caucasian, or Hispanics agree with Trump's political views....so all Bishop Dickerson was saying is put your trust in God not Trump. I am so sorry this was taken out of context, because it was truly a very nice program. And to speak on racism, I have seen the most on here. Ppl should not make accusations based on someone else's perception. Salisbury is still the same Ole racist town it was during the lynching by looking at some of these comments. I was there I heard the prayer and if there were anything said that was racist I would definitely speak to it. Oh because he mentioned Trump a Trump supporter got offended. No matter where you go ppl will speak about him good and bad, does that mean you're racist No! It's mean you don't agree or disagree with his views. And Albero STOP! REPEATING THE SAME COMMENTS TO BEEF UP YOUR BLOG....To All the Christians on here stop going by what you hear or heard go to the source....and it wasnt a NAACP Program it was Tri County MLK Coalition Inc. And they wouldn't even allow that to even have happened and would have confronted the issue if it had been one....Bishop Copeland said basically the same thing did they hear that, or did it go right over their head. This is truly terrible that ppl mash ppl in the mud

  64. you lost we won, to the victor go the spoils get over it!

  65. "Anonymous said...

    You better watch your mouth, your being racist yourself and keep that Bishop off your lips he's still a man a God.... There's a place for people like you too so you better be careful of what you say that goes for everybody!!!!!

    January 18, 2017 at 6:08 PM"

    He is not a man of God. Not by anyone's stretch of the imagination. You people can try and spin it, lie about it, whatever all day long but the fact stands-if you vote democrat and support that party you are following the doctrine of satan, killing babies, supporting gay marriage. Real Christians don't pick and choose what parts of His word they want to follow. Vote democrat and say you are a Christian you are a liar. Obama lied constantly to the point of it being pathological. To support a liar also proves you are not a Christian. Now of course you can pretend all day long but God sees and you better believe He has your place in hell reserved for you already. Pretending to be a Christian is a moral sin and unless you confess and change your evil ways you will burn in the eternal flames of hell and it's where you belong for being such sinners.

  66. Far too many NAACP leaders and followers presume that they speak for MLK.

  67. Instead of relying on some racist preacher to educate your kids,do it yourself.My kids knew who MLK was before they even started school and we are white! Lets educate our children on Dr.King and our other heroic Americans of all races instead of expecting the NAACP,schools,or others to do it for us.


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