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Sunday, January 15, 2017


Dear Hollywood Celebrities,

It’s time to wake up now. Get this! The only reason you exist is for my entertainment. Some of you are beautiful. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you are so convincing that you scare the crap out of me. And others are so funny you can make me laugh uncontrollably. And others make music that makes my toe tap and my body sway.

But you all have one thing in common. You only exist and have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it. Nothing else!

You make your living pretending to be someone else. You play dress-up like a 5-year-old. Your world is a make believe world. It is not real. It doesn’t exist. You live for the camera and microphone, while the rest of us live in the real world. Your entire existence depends on my patronage. I crank the organ grinder, and you dance.

Therefore, I don’t care where you stand on issues. Honestly, your opinion means nothing to me. Just because you had a lead role in a movie about prostitution doesn’t mean you know what it’s like to be a prostitute. Because you show a breast at a halftime football show while singing off key, doesn't make you a world spokesperson. Your view matters far less to me than that of a someone living in Timbuktu .

Believe me or not, the hard truth is that you aren’t real. I turn off my TV or shut down my computer or turn off my radio, and you cease to exist. Once I am done with you, I go back to the real world until I want you to entertain me again.

I don’t care that you think BP executives deserve the death penalty. I don’t care what you think about the environment. I don’t care if you believe fracking is bad. I don’t care if you call for more gun control. I don’t care if you believe in catastrophic human-induced global warming. And I could care less that you supported Hillary for President. Get back into your bubble. I’ll let you know when I’m in the mood for something pretty or scary or funny.

And one other thing. What was with all this “I’ll leave the country if Donald Trump wins”? Don’t you know how stupid that made you sound? What did you think my reaction was going to be? I better not vote for Trump or we’ll lose Whoopi Goldberg? Al Sharpton? Amy Schumer? Bruce Springsteen? or Barbara Striestand? And several more. Leave. I don’t care! And don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Oh by the way, is Clinton returning any of the money you so generously donated to her election?

Make me laugh. Make me cry. Make me sing. Even scare me. But realize this, the only words of yours that matter are scripted — just like your pathetic little lives. I may agree with some of you from time to time, but in the final analysis, it doesn’t matter. In my world, you exist solely for my entertainment.


  1. And they don't give a crap about you or your money because there is always some weak minded simpleton that lives on their every move. Look at all the celebrity magazines and shows out there.

  2. These jokers loved Trump when he was giving donations to their liberal friends running for public office. That all changed when Trump switched parties and ran for President. They have proven to be no better than the two-faced, lying politicians they support. They need to get over themselves. They are no more important than the homeless drunk lying in some dark alley or the single mother raising four kids on welfare. We were all born to eventually die.

  3. 11:47AM

    That said it all!

  4. Great editorial! Offer this to the Daily Times for printing but don't expect to see it as they are bias toward Democrats.

  5. I think you are being to generous about the beautiful part! The attendees at the Golden Globe where downright scary looking! I think it may have to do with all the plastic surgery they get or they are heavily edited on the movie screen! As far as I am concerned they deserve no compliments for the way they behaved. I am not a huge Trump supporter but Hollywood needs to keep its mouth shut.

  6. Very precise response.

  7. Stay home and count your money
    Stay out of politics
    We don't care what you think > spoiled rotton actress !!!
    In Politics You Don't Matter !!!!

  8. And your point is??? Who cares???

  9. Very nice article that needs widespread circulation indeed!

  10. Dakota Blessings had this on her Face Book page on September 10, 2016. Have seen it on several sites since then.

  11. Streep Go Home and count some Sheep ........

    Nobody cares what you have to say .......


  12. The first paragraph is way off. It gives the Hollyweird's way to much credit. And as far as using them for entertainment, once I hear the crap from them I will never watch or listen to them again. For example, De niro "was" always a favorite and once he call Trump a mutt forgetta bout him. My bride says there is nobody left to watch and I say fine. Call me a nut job, that's fine too.

  13. Jan 20 America starts Being Made GREAT Again !!!

  14. Streep go home and go to sleep !!!

  15. Streep don't Peep , Hillary's in Deep , DEEP DO DO !!!

  16. Real Life , is Not a Movie !!!


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