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Sunday, January 15, 2017



  1. I swear to God Sharpton and Geraldo Rivera are brothers.

  2. I have been watching the congressional confirmation hearings and was very interested in the Jeff Sessions segment where Corey Booker testified against him. First time in recorded history one senator testified against another. As follows ups there were two more dissenters and three pro Sessions witnesses who gave testimony. One of the dissenters was John Lewis an original and surviving member of the Selma March. The final dissenter gave testimony that it was disrespectful that Congressman Lewis was so far down in the lineup; in fact tantamount to sending him to the back of the bus. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what, there always, always will be those individuals of color who will never ever let go of bigotry, racism, oppression, and dissension no matter how little they were ever affected by what happened all those years ago. It is a state of mind and alas all consuming and the country will never heal until the sentiment is dead and gone. I appreciate the horrible things that happened and I believe they did. But if we are to heal let's not keep scratching open the wound.

  3. Yes ...Here are 2 Racist together !!

    Of course Opra is Untouchable like Clinton > Teflon
    But everyone Knows Al Sharpton Racist > Nothin' commin'

  4. True that They Promote it ......Right On ...You are right!!

  5. If sharpless is so rich he should pay his back taxes. Send them both to Africa since Canada is too smart to take them. Good riddance!!

  6. He also gets richer by never paying his taxes!

  7. 2 more reasons why race relations are at their lowest level since the 60's.
    If American's are so freekin' racist, how in God's name did a black president get elected twice.
    The Dem's and blacks and Hispanics and gays keep telling us via the MSM that we're all bigoted and nothing will change unless we admit it, give reparations, etc. It's never their fault for shooting each other, looting and burning their neighborhoods when they don't get their way, and having baby's out of wedlock. That's all our fault for some reason. And since they can't admit it- race-bait and blame white people.
    Detroit is 80% black- the blackest big city in America, and Trump nearly won that city and did win Michigan. Maybe blacks are finally realizing they've been used all these years.

  8. If al Sharpton is rich he should be able to pay his taxes.

  9. A couple Uncle Tom's.

  10. Satanists, not racists.

  11. 6:11 no, we have Uncle Sambo in the whitehouse till Jan. 20.

  12. She just got rich by being on tv show every day for a long
    All those get paid way too much.....
    Just like Kelly (20 mil yr) / Ellen / Rosie Odonnell /
    Woopi / and the rest ........

    She gets tooooooo much credit...more than she is worth !!

  13. If it was a white woman with the same lack of talent as Oprah Winfrey, on one would know her name.

  14. They can't BUY the American Voters ...Just Proved it !!!

  15. They can continue to just WINE over Trump Victory

    They don't stop to think he was VOTED in Fair & square !!

    So, if they hate him, they must also Hate MOST of America !!

    They are more than welcome to MOVE ......Go

    1. So if they hate trump they hate most of america? As a 34yo white guy, I personally think that Donald Trump is a Racist but to most whites because it's not blatant you don't see it. Well growing up I saw it and continue to see it now. I challenge you to tell me one negative thing that Donald Trump said about the white community or do you think that we are just that perfect? He caters to a certain audience which I totally understand, but it's that audience whom seem to think those who don't walk/talk/look like them are the problem without knowing anything about the person.

  16. Looks like Man and Wife !!!

  17. Yea the whites made them Rich ,and they still Hate them !!
    They living like Kings and Queens while the Majority of
    whites are Poor....and work for a menial living......!!

  18. They have it SOOOOO BAd , Poor Babys

    They sure as hell got NO room to cry or wine over Anything!!


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