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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Rasmussen Poll: Clear Majority of Americans Support Trump's Travel Ban

Only 33% oppose block on individuals from terror-linked countries

A new Rasmussen poll finds that 57 per cent of Americans support President Trump’s travel ban on people arriving from terror-linked countries, with just 33 per cent opposing the measure.

Asked if they support a temporary 90 day ban on “refugees” from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, a clear majority of Americans back Trump, despite widespread media criticism of the executive order.

The poll also found that Americans support a visa block on all individuals from those same countries by a margin of 56 per cent to 32 per cent.



  1. joe you should get someone to photoshop Chuck Schumer crying lol. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. Block the countries the 9/11 terrorists came from - Egypt and Saudi Arabia!

  3. People are afraid of being called prejudice, you damn right I'm prejudice against anyone who's religion calls for my death.

  4. Gotta laugh,these rich people like Jeff Bezos challenging president Trump on this and other issues are forgetting he is the president and are foolish in doing so.They treat him like he's just another businessman like themselves forgetting he's the most powerful man in the world and could ruin their world in seconds.

  5. Funny you would never had known this by listening to the MSM, Hollywood and the Democrats Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  6. Because of the left losing their minds and the scum trolling social justice warriors that are leading the progressive riots the democrats are losing more votes. If the election was tomorrow Donald Trump would win by a land slide victory even more then he did. For the people that voted for trump because he wasn't Hillary are now convinced they did the right thing. Democrats are losing party members by massive numbers.

  7. Trump/Pence 2020.....Trump/Pence 2024.....Trump/Pence 2028....get my drift?

    Doesn't look like he will be running out of energy....has more than the energized bunny now.
    Plus, doubt we will be spending money on many vacations, he states they are boring. Lol

    No way Paul Ryan and other younger tools will keep up with the man...The Donald

  8. If I ever had the opportunity to be able to ask a question on national media to the anti-wall/anti immigration people, here's all I would ask:
    1. Do you have a fence around your home?
    If yes, why?
    2. If not, when a stranger knocks on your front door do just open it up immediately at let them in, or do you ask - confirm - who they are, and what is their business at your door?
    End of conversation.


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