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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"Islam Strengthening in Europe with the Blessing of the Church"

Everyone in Italy and the rest of Europe will "soon be Muslim" because of our "stupidity", warnedMonsignor Carlo Liberati, Archbishop Emeritus of Pompei. Liberati claimed that, thanks to the huge number of Muslim migrants alongside the increasing secularism of native Europeans, Islam will soon become the main religion of Europe. "All of this moral and religious decadence favours Islam", Archbishop Liberati explained.

Décadence is also the title of a new book by the French philosopher Michel Onfray, in which he suggests that the Judeo-Christian era may have come to an end. He compares the West and Islam: "We have nihilism, they have fervor; we are exhausted, they have a great health; we have the past for us; they have the future for them".

Archbishop Liberati belongs to a growing branch of Catholic leaders who refuse to see the future belonging to Islam in Europe. They speak in open opposition to Pope Francis, who does not seem too impressed by the collapse of Christianity due to falling birth rates, accompanied by religious apathy and its replacement by Islam.



  1. That's just what we need is another crusade

  2. We're next if we don't wake up and support President Trump.

  3. This is exactly what happens when people sit and do nothing, which the liberals have wanted conservatives to do for years. And here we are.

  4. Non-religious types have disparaged and ridiculed Christian church dogma for many years. Just wait until this new brand of religious zealotry spreads, the one they welcomed with open arms to show their "tolerance". They will find it much less forgiving to their insulting points of view.


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