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Monday, January 09, 2017

Over a million PA Arabs plan to leave Israel

More Arabs are leaving Judea and Samaria every year reported an Arab48 journalist, referring to Areas A and B, under Palestinian Authority control.

"A guy named Ahmad told me there were 44 kids in his high school class, all of them from Kfar Ramon. Only four of them still live there, the rest moved to the United States," the journalist said.

"There are no more celebrations, because there are no more young people. What will they celebrate, who will put people on their shoulders? In our village, there used to be 14,000 people, but 10,000 emigrated to the US, 2,000 emigrated to Jordan, and there are only 2,500 people left (sic)."

Most of those who emigrate are under 30, single, and jobless. 90% are Muslim Arabs, and the other 10% are Christian Arabs. And only 27% of Arab youth consider themselves to be politically active.

The vast majority of Arabs who leave Israel emigrate to either the United States or South America.



  1. GOOD! Now lets encourage all of them living here to follow this example.

  2. Their ultimate destination was always to get to the U.S.

  3. oh great...now we have to deal with these idiots.


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