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Monday, January 09, 2017

Behind the scenes: Protestors prepare for Inauguration Day

WASHINGTON — Preparations continue for the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration. The inaugural platform is in place on the west front of the Capitol and so are the bleacher seats along the inaugural parade route.

Even the protesters are getting ready.

Activists are spending time this weekend plastering posters across the District to alert the public to their planned demonstration.

“We send out teams, about three people in a car, and they go on a street like Rhode Island Avenue, and they just go up and down and put the posters up,” said Sarah Sloan of D.C., an organizer with the Answer Coalition, a group that holds permits to demonstrate at two sites along the inaugural parade route.



  1. Bring it on thugs.

  2. Losers! Everyone of them!!

  3. Damage their buses.

  4. get a life and do something of value with your time. You are wasting your time and will be laughed at by millions.

  5. What are they protesting? Jobs? Prosperity for the working class? Higher HC premiums or no health care at all? Change that is GOOD?
    Whatever. They need to find something more constructive to do with their lives than trying to take away the HOPE Donald Trump is giving us.

  6. Typical actions of Socialists/ Communists.

  7. 2:34 correctamundo


  8. Is Soros paying them cash or will they get 1099s?

  9. They will be so far away you won't even notice then except for the CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, coverage they will get to support the snowflakes...

    1. 5:42. So they will be noticed. 🙄


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