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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Obama Lectures White People On His Way OUT- Needs Them To Know One Thing

I am so sick and tired of being lectured by people, especially celebrities and politicians who are genuinely out of touch with the rest of the world. If I have to sit through one more sanctimonious speech from the President, any President, I’m going to rip my hair out.

Let’s hope Donald Trump keeps to his style of speech, and doesn’t adopt Obama’s Kindergarten-teacher-explaining-right-and-wrong tone.

I cannot be the only person who groans and screams “C’mon, just shut up and LEAVE already!” every time Obama’s face appears on my screen.


During his farewell address on Tuesday, Obama spewed a ridiculous amount of pure, unadulterated manure. I don’t know how anyone got through the whole thing, I mean, can you imagine being in the audience? You could have gone out for a five-course meal in the amount of time it took him to praise himself and castigate white Americans.

In a speech that I imagine came with a finger wag and a stern glare, Obama felt the need to bring up Jim Crow, and remind whites to go easy on minorities when they voice discontent. (Never mind that whole, “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” and rioting thing.)

“For white Americans, it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn’t suddenly vanish in the ’60s; that when minority groups voice discontent, they’re not just engaging in reverse racism or practicing political correctness; that when they wage peaceful protest, they’re not demanding special treatment, but the equal treatment our Founders promised.”



  1. Just a few more days of his crap and we can get back to recovering this country to greatness!

  2. It's easy, don't watch. If he comes on a particular channel, simply change to another where he is not.

  3. I am also sooo sick of the cauldron stirring a warlock (obama) and witches(like polosi) brew. It really stinks and I will be so glad when DC is fumigated.

  4. I too will be happy when that idiot is gone but I realize Trump has a monumental job ahead of him trying to drain the worlds biggest swamp.

  5. Just more proof that he is a "RACIST" through and through.

  6. For blacks and other minority groups, it means tying our own very real struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face — not only the refugee, or the immigrant, or the rural poor, or the transgender American, but also the middle-aged white guy who, from the outside, may seem like he's got advantages, but has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change. We have to pay attention, and listen.

  7. I have not watched one speech he's ever made in the 8 yrs he's been elected, I despise his exisistance.

  8. Can't he just go already? I have seen his mug more in the last few days than I have in the past 8 years. He came out of nowhere to become president, now he needs to return to whence he came.

    Most of the people who supported and voted for him have since seen his real side and disowned him. There are still a few die-hards who still believe what he says and does. These people have no hope in becoming "awake". We have a lot of damage to fix after he gets out of the white house. (I'm just wondering if he and his family will trash the place when they finally move out. Like so many of his kind do when moving out of wherever they live).

  9. Our household has not watched that face at any time in the past 8 years. We can catch the gist of the 'blah blah blah' from all the lying networks.
    Rush covers it & gives a break down of the speech, and gives his spin, which is most like the thoughts of our household.
    We have come to expect lies, & more lies in the past and don't feel the need to waste time watching/listening to this mess.
    We may watch our new President's first speeches to see what he has in mind, and go from there.


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