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Saturday, January 14, 2017

CNN’s Acosta Begs For Truce After Spicer Sends Last WARNING About Disrespecting Trump!

When someone is giving a press conference, they say their piece and then (generally) accept questions. Journalists clamor for attention and finally one of them gets called on. The rest fall silent and record the question and response to report on later. This cycle continues until the person is done answering questions and leaves.

This is how it’s always been done, except on Tuesday when CNN’s Jim Acosta went out of his way to cause a ruckus in an attempt to get President-elect Donald Trump’s attention. Trump had called on another reporter, who Acosta rudely spoke over.

It would appear that he has lost his bark AND his bite since then, calling a truce after the incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer made it clear that he could get the boot for pulling another stunt like that.



  1. If you don't show respect you sure as hell won't get any. If he gets kicked out of the White House he would probably get fired and that might be a good thing.

  2. Any reporter that acts like this needs to be denied entrance to the next four Press Conferences.

  3. I was waiting for Mr Trump to tell them to show this clown the door.
    Given that it was CNN, who has lied about him constantly, I don't think it would have been inappropriate to eject him.

  4. Good for them for me it is a real problem when it is wrong to call someone out for doing something wrong. Employers who are called to get info on a former employee cant tell them that they were bad at there job. They can only verify that they were employee there.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good for them for me it is a real problem when it is wrong to call someone out for doing something wrong. Employers who are called to get info on a former employee cant tell them that they were bad at there job. They can only verify that they were employee there.

    January 14, 2017 at 2:55 PM

    Good lord man, use punctuation and correct spelling. Maybe your comment would be understood then.


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