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Saturday, January 14, 2017

New Assateague App Would Help People ID Wild Horses

BERLIN – Have you ever been at Assateague Island and wanted to know more about the wild horse grazing beside your campsite? Or been eager to catch a glimpse of your favorite equine on your annual Assateague vacation?

Well you’re not the only one. Assateague Island Alliance’s Ashlie Kozlowski says she’s bombarded by requests for more information on the national seashore’s wild horses. In an effort to provide visitors with that information, Assateague Island Alliance (AIA) will be launching a free smartphone app that will help visitors identify the wild horses they see.

“Because everybody is so connected to their phones this seemed like a great way to connect with visitors and get information out about the horses,” Kozlowski said.

With the new app, all users will need to do is take a photo of the horse they’re looking at to get a detailed description of the animal. In some cases, if the photo alone isn’t enough to determine the animal’s identity, the app will ask the user a couple of other simple questions — does the horse’s mane fall on the left or right, for example — that will help prove the horse’s identity.


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