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Saturday, January 14, 2017

FBI Investigated Over Pre-Election Decisions on Clinton Email

The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday said it would probe a Federal Bureau of Investigation decision to announce an inquiry into Hillary Clinton's emails shortly before the November presidential election, a move she has blamed as a factor in her defeat.

The Justice Department's Office of Inspector General said in a statement that its investigation would focus in part on decisions leading up to public statements by FBI Director James Comeyregarding the Clinton investigation and whether they may have been based on "improper considerations."

The controversy involved Clinton's use of a private email server for official correspondence when she was secretary of state under President Barack Obama, including for messages that were later determined to contain classified information.

The office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz said it decided to open the review "in response to requests from numerous chairmen and ranking members of congressional oversight committees, various organizations and members of the public."



  1. Why Comey didn't indict crooked Hillary should be part of this investigation

  2. What now
    Is this now the FBI's fault for hildabeast loss?
    Come on let's give this a rest please
    You loss!
    End of story

  3. Sore Losers !!!!! He just did his J O B !!

    He should have LOCKED HER UP


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