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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Md. attorney general calls for statewide guidelines for rape kits

WASHINGTON — DNA collected after a sexual assault can be a valuable tool in crime solving, but sexual assault evidence kits, often called rape kits, sometimes go untested.

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh is recommending new statewide guidelines for testing and storing rape kits.

“We have three principle recommendations — first, that the rule is that kits be tested. There are exceptions to that, but generally every kit should be tested. Second, the kits should be retained, for 20 years or the statute of limitations, whichever is shorter. And third, victims should be notified first that the kit has been tested and second what the results are,” Frosh said.

Across the state, police departments have different policies for testing and maintaining rape kits. Some departments destroy untested rape kits, others hold on to them for various periods of time. Frosh is asking the Maryland General Assembly to develop uniform guidelines for all departments.



  1. We have ALL been Raped.....by the MD Gov't

    Do they have a kit for that ??

  2. Yes, Uhaul and Ryder. Both rent moving trucks.

  3. Ah...priorities.

    The police will take your PICTURE and store it forever, no matter what the costs and despite being innocent of any crime. The same goes for DNA collected from innocent people. Fingerprints, too.

    RAPE KITS, however, are destroyed? Don't even bother to get them tested, either.
    Don't give me any crap about "manpower". Take a couple of Gestapo agents from each county and get the job done.

    You cheered it. You got it.
    All the raped women must be overjoyed and ecstatic!
    At least, you know where their priorities lie ----- with the MONEY.
    Keep cheering.


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