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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

FED UP Citizen Sees What Welfare User Does When She Leaves Store, Immediately Snaps Pic

About two years ago, Salt Lake City resident Vincent Janosko saw something while shopping at Walmart that really made his blood boil.

In a Facebook post that wound up going viral, he explained that he observed a non-English-speaking woman pay for her items with an Electronic Benefit Transfer food stamp card and then drive away in a luxury-grade vehicle.

“She didn’t speak English, used EB card, then climbed into that,” he wrote on Facebook. “I work 7 days a week, owe out the a– and put a steady oil supply into my 1991 ford. I don’t get a EBT card.”



  1. You should be contributing to some way in society to receive those benefits but a Nissan is hardly a luxury grade vehicle. They're going for 4 grand on autotrader

  2. I agree, there are a lot of people abusing the system. However, does this man know that the vehicle was hers? He obviously does not know her. She could have borrowed it from someone. I would find this out for sure before blasting someone on social media. Accusations that have turned up false have ruined the reputation of some.

    With that being said, I sure hope our new President can help turn things around for our country! The Trump train is coming! Choo-choo!!!

  3. He never heard of "Cash for Clunkers" I guess.
    I drive a 2014 Tacoma and I get EBT, but i work at a shithole and only get 28 hours a week. If you have good credit and some cash down anyone can get a new car.

  4. Years ago, I worked as a cashier at Safeway, when a lady purchased LOBSTER with her food stamps (yes, they actually tore them from a booklet back then). After paying for her high priced protein with food stamps, she bought her cigarettes and other non-accepted items with cash. I had enough and said, "Aren't you going to thank me for helping you pay for that?" You would have thought I slapped her in the face. But the guy in line being her loved it. My dad was a doctor and we could hardly afford lobster back then!
    Sadly, it happens all the time at seafood stores.
    They need to change the EBT to a WIC type of program, where only certain items are allowed based on nutritional needs-not wants like it is now. Look at how obese many low income people are.

  5. A lot of corrections officers women and men live in affordable Housing with boyfriends and girlfriends, and they receive stamps from not reporting the officers living with them. I see them with nice cars parked in housing authority parking lots and going to work in uniform.Also drug dealers trade stamps for drugs and recieve stamps from not reporting income.yet they drive chargers and beamers..ect.

  6. These stores would only stock permitted items to be purchased with the EBT card. EBT cards should not be accepted in any other stores.

  7. I have seen the abuse first hand. Anything from waiting for seafood and the person pays for a bushel of crabs with their EBT and paying cash to have them steams to watching non English speaking people fill up two carts full of food that was paid for by EBT and they then spent over $75.00 on videos and video games. That is just two instances of abuse.

  8. Some people just need to mind their own business.

    1. Why are you buying shrimp with ebt..I have to eat ground beef and chicken..would be nice to get some free seafood..but my husband works too hard to get a handout..mind you works too hard to get welfare..I worked until the state taxed us to death..unlike the freeloading shrimp eaters who sit on thier a** and watch Oprah.

    2. Dont worry trump is putting these lazy thugs back to work esp the ones on it for 1 2 5 10 20 30 yrs on it and NEVER WORKED or payed taxes towards it.

  9. Md is now requiring drug tests and a welfare fraud course.


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