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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Father of Son Murdered by Illegal Immigrant: Trump is Only Person in Government Who Listened

President Donald Trump met with families who have been victimized by illegal immigrant crime on Wednesday, and pledged the support of the Department of Homeland Security.

“For years, the media has largely ignored the stories of Americans and lawful residents victimized by open borders,” Trump said in a speech at the Department of Homeland Security. “To all of those hurting out there, I repeat to you these words: We hear you. We see you — and you will never, ever be ignored again.”

Dan Golvach, whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant in January 2015, told FOX Business Network’s Liz MacDonald this is first time a government official acknowledged his son’s death.

“It appears to me [Trump] is not wasting any time,” he said. “I just have to say I think that he is sincere.”



  1. God bless President Trump

  2. Good job president Trump. Can you imagine this family's pain. In addition, they had to watch our previous adm glorify thugs that kill cops, yet did not have the courage to reach out to these families.

  3. It's because the democrats pander to the immigrant community. They are focusing in so they are a major democrat voter block. They don't want to offend them. A few murdered Americans here and there means nothing to the democrats. Democrats are very very bad people and it's good to see many are waking up as to just how evil democrats truly are. Democrats have no conscious, no morals.

  4. Is it me or does it seem Trump never sleeps. He always seems to be doing something good for America.


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