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Monday, December 26, 2016

Report: Obama Is Setting Up Shadow Government to Undermine Trump Starting on Inauguration Day

Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend this morning that Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Washington DC to undermine President Trump after Inauguration Day.

Ed Klein: For the past 100 years every president who is outgoing has packed up his stuff gone home and not criticized his successor. This is not what the Obamas are planning to do. They rented an eight-bedroom mansion in the section of Washington near Joe Lockhart, Bill Clinton’s last press secretary. In that house there’s enough room for Valerie Jarrett and Michelle and the kids. A place for ten cars to park. They are setting up what they are calling a shadow government.

Pete Hegseth: The Obamas claim it is because the children want to stay in D.C..

Ed Klein: That’s not the real reason they are staying there. They are staying there because despite what the president said in his press conference, he’s in a sense of outrage over this incoming Trump Administration, which he thinks is going to wipe out his legacy. So he’s setting up this kind of almost insurgency, picking people in foreign affairs, labor, abortion, union matters and setting them up to start appearing on television, making speeches and doing op-ed pieces for next four years, you’re going to see not only a Trump Administration but you’re going to see a shadow government opposing the Trump…



  1. Really can't from prison.

  2. Drug cartels work just fine when the head is in prison, why not an entire government?

  3. My gosh, you can't make this POO up. WOW - take your ^&%*#&)_*! ball and GO HOME already!

  4. And "all enemies foreign and domestic..." includes ex-presidents and I'm sure they can make a noose big enough for even his head. Treason is a very bad thing to have on ones agenda irregardless of who you were!

  5. So frightening to think what the country would have been like with another four years of these left wing zealots actually in the white house. The country is so fortunate to be back on a conservative track. The people have spoken; deal with it!

  6. Democrats have no class.

  7. Oh jeez, here come the tin foil hats! Get ready for your lizard overlords. You guys need help.

  8. 1159 - nor real life sensibility or for that matter civility. Just teet sucking off the taxpaper and "gimme mine" mentality.


  9. Didn't they lease that house before the primaries or shortly after? This seems a little far fetched.

  10. Not to bring facts into the discussion, but he rented the mansion back when "everybody' was sure Hillary would win. Besides, why in the world would ANYONE want to move to Chicago?

  11. Dave T: You choose to walk in the shadows, then don't cry when you are found by those who live in the darkness, for they shall offer you no quarter !!!

  12. we've had shadow government for many years; this one is blatant.

  13. He rented the damn house because was getting ready for his seat on the Supreme Court. He gambled! He lost - again!

  14. President Trump's actions will speak louder than words and will prove democrats are worthless.

  15. Isn't that TREASON????

  16. The rainbow agenda..(i.e satanic globalist agenda) is Running Scared their agenda has been crumpled to a little ball of paper and thrown in the trash. They are having to regroup. read up on the hidden dangers of the rainbow! it will not stop! only our faith in the good Lord we'll keep it at Bay.


  17. The leader of the Choom Gang is headed for history's dust bin. His party got creamed at the local level all during his term and if Mittens had a backbone he'd have put him on the sidelines 4 years ago.

    The rules are gonna change for him big time, and he won't be happy about it. Our incoming president didn't take any crap from his actual opponent, and I'm betting he won't take much from Zero after he slithers across town to his rented mansion.


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