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Monday, December 26, 2016

Millennials looking to fix overpiercing, remove tattoos

Dr. Harris Sterman is all for young people expressing their individuality. But just how many piercings can you put into one ear, anyway?

"Some people get really carried away," says Sterman, chief of plastic surgery at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck. The multiple holes are one thing. But then there's the many large and heavy objects hung from all those holes — and we're not just talking regular old diamond stud earrings or tiny crucifixes anymore — before the poor ear is literally stretched to its outermost limits.

Call it a strange sign of the times. Some doctors, like Sterman, say they are noticing more and more millennials coming in because their ears have become deformed from overpiercing and need reconstructive surgery.

And it's not just ear piercing. Many are seeking to reverse the impulsive, perhaps keg-fueled decisions of their not-quite-lost youths. That tongue piercing, that bone through the nose, that conspicuously placed tattoo you got in college may not go over so big now in a job interview, or in the board room. It's time to conform to the real world.



  1. It truly is disturbing how some of these folks are destroying their bodies.
    If someone else was doing it to them, they would easily call it horrific abuse.
    Wake up young people

  2. You've pretty much plotted out your life to become any sort of successful professional when you get yourself a visible tattoo. Neck, hands, legs, certainly face.
    Cool now. Disaster later in life.
    Tat artists have been printing money for this generation.
    The next big money service will be tattoo removal, for sure.

  3. Pure idiots! Brad Gillis, Joey Gilkerson, Jake Day, Josh Hastings... Need we go on?

    1. Morons all. Daddy money keeps them in the land of non reality.

  4. One moment of impulse with a lifetime of lasting results. I didn't know myself that well in my 20s to put something permanent on my body. I'm so glad I waited until I knew my decision was not impulse. Still no tattoos... and still changing and growing.

  5. Problem is not the piercing....It's the damn idiot that had it done in the first place! Wouldn't hire someone looking like that for a job, go back to Mommy and Daddy's basement.

  6. Plain and simple people.....poor parenting!

    1. LOL!! There are a whole lot of things that I can attest to poor parenting but tattoos never struck as one! That's funny!!

  7. One of the reasons why health insurance premiums increased across the board for everyone, was because in order for your existing policy to be obamacare "compatible" tattoo removal had to be included. So those who don't have any tattoos are paying for those who do have them and want them removed.

  8. Oh you mean that momentary glee of getting a tattoo and/or having huge gauges in their ears are keeping them from finding real life jobs? Who knew?

  9. What parents allow their children to get a tattoo?
    What tattoo artist would do it to a child?

    I'm pretty sure people need to be adults in order to get a tattoo.

  10. 11:04 don't be so sure. Just like those in my generation knew what liquor stores weren't inclined to "card" us the kids nowadays know which tattoo artists will overlook age when money is flashed in their faces. Only in a perfect world would "people need to be adults in order to get a tattoo." Only in a perfect world.

  11. Tattooed and employed bitches

  12. I get into arguments all the time with Millennials and even some my age who get tattoos and body piercings. I believe our bodies are temples, and to change it is mutilation.
    I don't think it is attractive at all and unprofessional if you work in and office or in sales where you interact on a daily basis with the public. No one is going to take your seriously when you have tattoos on your face, or neck or on your arms. Gages or piercings on Nose or cheeks with chains are disgusting!
    They think it is showing their individualism, but to me all it is showing is their ignorance. In the seventies and eighties it was just wild hair, but that could be fixed. Maybe it's because I am older, but I truly cannot understand why someone would want to do this to themselves. If your looking for a good job, it's a job killer!

  13. 3:17
    Agreed and most of my friends agree with you as well.

  14. Count how many successful, wealthy, corporate executives you've seen that have L O V E and H A T E tattooed on their fingers.
    Or a ring on their eyebrow.
    Most likely none. These types are hard to see while flippin' burgers at Mickey D's.

  15. I have hired a lot of people and have never hired (and never will) someone with obvious tattoos, piercings, or men with earrings. That's just the way we are. We do not believe any of that is professional but good luck with your career at Burger King.

  16. I'm tattooed and I have an awesome career. :)


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