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Monday, December 26, 2016



  1. Well you got your wish hollywood...they voted for the best candidate.
    But im sure the same majority of electorits and citizens that voted for Trump...will infact have far less respect for you than before this exposure, shame on you and farewell.

  2. Well, that all worked out quite nicely for them, didn't it?

  3. My first thought after listening to this is that I have absolutely NO doubt that every one of these people have houses surrounded by a large security wall - or at the least, in a gated community.
    My other thought is this:
    If Trump screws up in ANY way that is a threat to America and the Constitution, impeachment proceedings would begin IMMEDIATELY on both sides of the aisle.
    I say to these people, give him a chance.
    It surely can't be any worse than the last eight years.

    1. Trump will most likely let us down. He's poorly prepared and unqualified but...I agree and I'm willing to give him a chance. Obama had the opportunity to do some truly great things as first African American president but instead he sold us down the river for a noble prize.
      We're counting on you Mr. Trump.
      Keep your promises.

    2. Isn't it interesting how the most passionate advocates for "gun control" are the same people that have armed guards protecting them? The lunatic left.

    3. 4:42
      I disagree somewhat.
      I think he's the most prepared person to take that office in decades. He's just coming at it from another angle, the likes of we have never seen before.
      He is certainly unqualified - but only to being a politician, but that's also the last thing he wants to be. His selections for the Cabinet reflect that. Let others do the politicking - let him make the decisions and the deals.
      I'm optimistic. I truly believe he can and will cut through the nonsense of gridlock politics and get this country back on track.
      The Carrier deal was just a little hint of how he will lead. You have to admit that the concept of simply picking up the phone and talking directly to the CEO was not even considered until Trump did it, and he did it successfully.
      I believe. And, like you, I hope he doesn't disappoint.

  4. I think the electors did vote their conscience.

  5. 422
    It can always get worse.
    Much worse.

    Mr. Trump could be working for intelligence and may deliberately create the chaos necessary to totally destroy the US economy (what's left of it).

    For the record, Mr. Trump was the OBVIOUS choice here.
    Clinton is a career criminal.

    But I never trust the US government.
    No matter who is involved.

    Let's wish Mr. Trump all the luck in the world.
    If he is sincere, he will need it.

  6. Sorry, I don't respect them in return. Bunch of jealous brain dead idiots.

  7. Im leaning with 4:53 never have never will trust em...but time will tell. Who he really works for us or them...

  8. This is why I voted for Trump. What makes their opinion better than mine about who is qualified to be president? And, yes, it is only an opinion.
    I and many other angry white guys turned our opinion into a vote. By the way it appears there is a growing number of angry black and brown guys too.

    These really smart people want to tell me what is right and what is wrong; for me. Which is different from what is right or wrong for these really smart people. They want to tell me which car to drive, what food to eat, and what words I should never use.

    They do not want me to tell them about the god that I pray to. They do not believe that I chose correctly the flag I will serve. Apparently flags are bad.

    They say we should not allow fear to keep us from our daily activities as there is an ever increasing threat of some terroristic threat. They do not fear these threats because they have people with guns to protect them. But, they do not want me to have a gun to protect me and my family.

    You know I am more argry now than when I started this post. It just tees me off that they have the audacity to produce this message. They think I'm stupid. I take it personally. F$%# them!

  9. who were those people?

  10. HollyWood figures most are libtards. I'm disappointed in some of those Hollywood guys I used to like them, but now their ignorance is showing and since they have become useful idiots. I will no longer watch any of their shows and by the way Loretta Swift looks awfully disgusting. Hypocrites every damn one of them. Trump is unconventional but that's what we need we don't need another politicial suck up.

  11. Thank you all
    I now have you all on my list to turn off
    Love it
    Enjoy the rest of your sorry life

  12. To all you liberals idiots out there. Trump may not have been a politician, but I believe he is more qualified to be President than Obama was. At least he is a smart businessman. He knows you cannot keep spending trillions of dollars more than you have and expect problems to just go away. We even teach our children if something cost more money than you have you can't expect to get it. Also Trump doesn't need to be a politician because he is a smart man he will surround himself with very qualified smart people to advise him. So in the long run I think you will see we will all be better off with Trump than we would have been with crooked Hillary just trying to line her own pockets with our money which she has been doing for years and lying about it.

  13. Dave T: This clown plays a pretend president, now he thinks he is one. What an ass!

  14. This stupidity was amusing at first, but is just plain tired now. Will they feel better if we award them their participation trophy?


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