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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Keith Ellison Backs Out of Radical Muslim Conference

Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison cancelled his scheduled appearance the Muslim American Society’s annual conference, where he was slated to deliver the keynote address.

Ellison’s name and picture, which were previously featured prominently on the convention website’s homepage, have been removed completely. He was also removed from the full list of convention speakers.

Ellison was scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the convention’s “appreciation dinner” in Chicago on Tuesday.

An updated version of the conference program shows that Ellison’s speaking slot has been removed. He was originally scheduled to deliver a 20-minute speech entitled “Our Voice will be Heard.”



  1. Too late bud ur already EXPOSED.

  2. He'll spend the next few years cleaning what he stepped in off the bottom of his shoes, or hope that his constituents do it for him.

  3. Undercover obama II.

  4. Bet you he's up for reelection in 2018.

  5. The face of the new Democratic Party.

  6. The Democrats ought to be proud of that Muslim.


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