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Thursday, December 29, 2016

How an Uber driver stopped child sex trafficking

An Uber driver who suspected child sex trafficking might be taking place in his vehicle reported it to police Monday. He said the signs were obvious and he couldn’t stay silent.

Keith Avila, who had barely surpassed his one-month mark with Uber, picked up two women and a girl from Oak Park with the intention of taking them to a hotel in Elk Grove.

The ride, which figured to net Avila less than $8, was supposed to be a short one.

“It was about 13 minutes. Something like that. I'm going off memory but about 13 minutes,” he recalled.

What ensued was anything but a routine Uber fare.

Avila said the girl who rode next to him in the front seat appeared to be about 12 years old and was dressed in attire that was not age appropriate.


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