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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Watch: Hundreds Gather to Protest Hampshire College’s Decision to Not Fly American Flag


  1. God bless these people that came out to support their country. If the institution of higher learning wishes to be somewhere else they are welcome to leave. If you don't agree with our laws, you should try to have them changed in an orderly manner. To show such disrespect is not good for anyone. God bless the USA!

  2. The students , children of the corn.

  3. The one who authorized it Should Be FIRED !!! and Fined !!

    They better get the flags the Hell back up Pronto !!!

  4. Our Hero Veterans who fought and Died in the wars deserve
    the Utmost Respect , and they saved these sorry asses of today who do stupid shit like this , who would otherwise
    not even exist today to complain and wine !!!...

    That's why WE taking America BAck Again to make it Great
    Again ....from these idiots like this college administrator!! Many need to be Fired and will be.....

    Maybe these crybabies need to be sent to WAR and they will be
    taught some friggi'n respect for the USA Flag

  5. Alot have never been spanked or know what the hell war is !!

  6. And to think, they will have children one day.


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