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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

‘If you help her, I’m going to kill you’: EMT student risks his life to try to save shooting victim

All he wanted to do was help, but before it was over, he had sustained multiple painful injuries from being shot and run over twice.

Daniel Wesley, 17, is a trained emergency medical responder studying for his EMT certification, and on the way home from a shopping trip at the Mall of Louisiana with his mother, Kathy Wesley, Sunday, he noticed 30-year-old April Peck lying in the roadway, Baton Rouge’s Advocate reported.

Moments after spotting Peck, the teenager pulled over, quickly yanked his father’s medic bag from the car and dashed over to the woman, who had been shot and tossed from her vehicle minutes earlier by her boyfriend, 48-year-old Terrell Walker.

Just as Wesley was putting a pair of gloves on, preparing to apply pressure to Peck’s gunshot wound to stop the bleeding, Walker came speeding back — this time, with the car aimed directly for the young medical responder and the smattering of others, including a physician and EMS ambulance crew, gathered around him.



  1. This is why medics should wear tazers.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is why medics should wear tazers.

    November 29, 2016 at 9:57 PM

    I can just see now some of the yahoo volunteers goofing around, laughing and chuckling, hitting anyone around with it for fun. Naw, bad idea.

    And it sure would not have helped this kid in this instance.


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