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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Trump Said It, EVERYONE Doubted Him, But Now Apple Might Make iPhones In America!?!?

Donald Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated and he might already be returning jobs to American soil!

During his campaign, Donald Trump used Apple as an example of companies that have sent jobs to overseas workers, and promised that he would bring those opportunities back to American workers and a mere week after he was elected to be the President of the United States, a headline pops up among tech blogs that Apple may be doing it voluntarily.

Rush Limbaugh discussed this on his radio show Thursday morning, and discussed the ramifications of such an action.

So there I am reading my tech blogs today. I took a little break, scoured the tech blogs. Not to delve deeply; just to see what was popping. And I saw a headline: “Apple Could Make iPhones in U.S. in Future.” And I said, “Whoa! Now wait a minute.” Remember during the campaign Trump said he was gonna make Apple make iPhones in America. And everybody said, can’t happen, including me. I said this cannot happen, and the reason it can’t happen — well, there are many reasons why I thought it couldn’t happen.

I mean, I can go through some of them right now. I mean, you could do it, but you couldn’t keep the price what they are now. They would be significantly more expensive simply because of the volume. We don’t have, in the United States, factory infrastructure to manufacture iPhones. Not if they were all made here. They could make a few here, if they wanted to split it up. But the factories in China where iPhones are made, there’s two companies that make iPhones. One’s called Hon Hai Precision, and the Anglicized name is Foxconn. And another company is called Pegatron.

Without a doubt, this could be early evidence that a Donald Trump Presidency is already setting out to fulfill campaign promises.



  1. Great news and I hope more to follow. America needs American made companies back, we need to employ our own workers, these things could really cut into unemployment. Yeah Trump.

  2. The haters of Trump will benefit from this as well as our children. I won't be around to enjoy this, the prices of our goods will increase, as well as our opportunities, but it will be worth it.

    Closing our factories and turning them into homeless shelters was a bad idea.

    Remember Gant's shirt factory on Church Street.

  3. I hope this just the start of many good things to come.I wonder how the MSM will handle this terrible news?


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