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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Beefed Up Shopping Patrol Turned Down By County

SNOW HILL – Deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department will not be providing extra patrols at Walmart this holiday season following a recent decision by county leaders.

On Tuesday the Worcester County Commissioners voted 5-2 against approving a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that would have allowed deputies to perform extra patrols at Walmart on Black Friday and Christmas.

“I’ve been on the record as not in favor of any MOUs with anybody,” Commissioner Jim Bunting said. “I don’t think our sheriff’s department should be security.”

Lieutenant Mark Bowen approached the commissioners seeking approval of the MOU, which outlined the time periods the extra patrols would occur, the rate Walmart would pay and the fact that the deputies would be on-duty and under the supervision of the sheriff during that time. Bowen said Walmart would be charged $75 per hour per deputy, as that was the rate that had been set by the county.



  1. Maybe hire security guards instead of using police officers, that might work, maybe

  2. You know, some of us were really looking forward to getting that Christmas money to spend on our families.

    1. Waaaaaa
      Is this the Spd police chief ??

  3. You know, some of us were really looking forward to getting that Christmas money to spend on our families.

    Then get a real job.

  4. Cool now the thugs know where to go.

  5. I will do it for $25 hr.

  6. Would Wal-Mart continue to pay the $75 rate if the deputy had to arrest someone. Or would the county taxpayers be paying the deputy to process the arrest?

  7. Pay security people on a commission basis and they will arrest people for disorderly conduct.


  8. There is a case to be made that providing the coverage actually benefits residents and visitors by dramatically shortening response time and having a sworn officer handle suspects. Plus the deterrent effect.

    Adjust the rate if needed.

  9. If you only knew the truth behind all of this. First, Bowen is a member of the command staff, making $94,000 a year sleeping in the schools, and sucks most of this OT up himself. Second, it is never fair when signing up for these details. Bowen will go through and take the days he wants, then offer the next set of days to people who suck up to him, before finally offering it to the rest. Third, don't be fooled by the rate. When anyone under the rank if corporal works this detail they only get $45 an hour. The rest goes to the county. The county makes money off of deputies working this detail. When a member of command staff works this, like Bowen, they are making $60-$65 an hour. This happens all summer long at Seacrets. From the article it seems like nobody knows what they are talking about, including the man that is "in charge" of these details.

  10. $94,000 -- sleeping in schools -- $65/hour OT and he gets to drive his Worcester County paid-for car & their gas back & forth to Nanticoke every day. Not a bad gig!

  11. If cops want to work as security guards on their time off that should be fine as long it doesn't cost the tax payers anything.Walmart or whoever can pay the standard going rate whatever that happens to be.There should of course always be regular cops on duty nearby,it only makes sense to position officers near areas that you will expect to have crimes commited and for sure Walmart and the mall are those areas this time of year.

  12. Bowen sleeps alot because of his heart medication. Most of the supervisers are very over weight. There is no fitness requirements. 10:17 is right. The good old boys are to fat to chase bad guys,so they sign up for the easy deals first. The only ones hurting are the taxpayers who pay their salaries because of no self pride in themselves to be in shape enough to protect the people they serve.


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