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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Security officers warn of Huma Abedin’s tie to Saudis

Charge Hillary's closest aide has influenced foreign policy

The Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi ties of Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide and confidante Huma Abedin and her influence on U.S. foreign policy are spotlighted in a newly released documentary called “The Enemies Within.”

In a six-minute trailer of the documentary made available to WND (see below), former intelligence officers express their concern about Abedin’s background, including her position in her family’s institute, which was established by the Saudi government and supported by a prominent financial contributor to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

Abedin has been in headlines since FBI Director James Comey announced Friday that the bureau reopened its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information after discovering 650,000 of Abedin’s State Department emails on a computer owned by her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, who is under investigation for allegedly sexting a minor.



  1. We have to remember that it was the Clinton Administration that sold our military secrets to China, who then sold them to N Korea, Iran and Russia. That's why they've moved so far ahead in their military status. And Clinton is the "progressive" candidate, which means she's a globalist, pushing for one-world government and one-world religion. The Muslims must infiltrate our society to make this happen. And thanks to Obama, he has started the ball rolling. The only way to stop this from happening at this time, is to elect Trump, like him or not.

  2. Clinton will be indicted

  3. Huma is just a SPIE from the middle East
    That's what you get Hillary for putting her in such a job...


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