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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Hillary’s ‘surrogate daughter’ tied to terrorists, 9/11 funders

Chilling video of Huma Abedin every American voter must see

For nearly 20 years, Hillary Clinton has had an extremely close working relationship with a young beauty who was raised in Saudi Arabia.

Hillary’s ties to Huma Abedin go so deep, it’s been said that the vice chairwoman of Hillary’s campaign is one of few people who knows where the proverbial Clinton “bodies are buried.”

In fact, Abedin, whom Hillary once called her “second daughter,” had direct access to classified national security information stored on Hillary’s unsecured email server. Abedin had served as Hillary’s deputy chief of staff at the State Department. And it’s been widely predicted that Abedin would serve as chief of staff if Hillary wins her race for the White House.

But who is this woman, and why is she privy to some of America’s deepest national security secrets?

The hacktivist group Anonymous released a stunning video laying out the scandalous details of Abedin’s background on Oct. 24. In just one week, the video has gone viral with 1.6 million views.

The Anonymous video details many of the stunning revelations WND has reported for years – including eye-opening details of Abedin’s ties to terrorists and funders of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Watch the video released by Anonymous detailing Abedin’s shocking ties: 


  1. This is part of why the Dems pushed early voting. They knew info was was going to be released to expose their mischief deeds.

  2. When are all of these people going to jail?


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