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Sunday, November 20, 2016

‘Sanctuary cities’ vow to protect immigrants from Trump plan

SEATTLE (AP) — Democratic mayors of major U.S. cities that have long had cool relationships with federal immigration officials say they will do all they can to protect residents from deportation, despite President-elect Donald Trump’s vows to withhold potentially millions of dollars in taxpayer money if they do not cooperate.

New York City’s Bill de Blasio, Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel and Seattle’s Ed Murray are among those in “sanctuary cities” that have tried to soothe worried immigrant populations.

“Seattle has always been a welcoming city,” Murray said Monday. “The last thing I want is for us to start turning on our neighbors.”

In Providence, Rhode Island, Mayor Jorge Elorza, the son of Guatemalan immigrants, said he would continue a longstanding policy of refusing to hold people charged with civil infractions for federal immigration officials. Newark, New Jersey’s Ras Baraka echoed that decision, calling Trump’s rhetoric on immigration “scary.”



  1. They'll be throwing them illegal aliens under the bus when the “sanctuary cities” are cut off from federal funding.

  2. Really? TRUMP HAS A PEN AND A PHONE TOO Rodriguez and Lopez.....


  4. they are not immigrants, they are illegal immigrants

  5. Right, it is scary that we would want to impose the same type of treatment illegal immigrants would get attempting to illegally enter any other country! How despicable!

    Honestly it is a slap in the face to those who go through the whole process of actually becoming a citizen of the United States.

  6. When our "leaders" decide which laws they will enforce and which ones they will ignore, does that mean "we, the people" get to do the same thing?
    I don't care what your moral stand is or what your religion says, or whether or not you AGREE with the law, you are SWORN to uphold the law. ALL of it.
    I hope citizens see what will happen when there are
    Two Sets of Laws

    Actually, I think there are now THREE Sets of Laws - one for the rich elite. One for the serfs. And now, one for criminals who swam or ran to our country.
    I hope their constituents stop paying fines, fees, and other charges and use whatever reasoning they can think of.....we need to start picking which laws WE obey, too.
    Keep cheering.

  7. The mayors mentioned need to be deported right along with the illegals.

  8. Do your part. Do everything in your power to not help or assist illegal immigrants. Do not donate or contribute to any fund or charity that supports or encourages illegal immigrants. Don't do business with any company that knowingly employs illegal immigrants. Don't travel to or visit any sanctuary cities.

  9. Charge the mayors with obstruction of justice.

  10. Can anyone explain to me why we have Spanish as a second language in America? My ancestors had to assimilate, n.ow we all have to do the bidding of immigrates

  11. Nothing makes a Mayor eat crow like no federal funding....LOL we will see how long they talk big. I guess....say um 64 or 65 days.

  12. Lock up the Ny Mayor BIG BIRD first then the rest will fall in line.

  13. Add one more thing no Federal grants / loans etc for medical / education / college and living expense including housing. If you don't spell it out they will say it is for something else the whole time spending it under the table. The Mayors / Governors should be impeached for violating Federal Law.

  14. It's the democrat way. They could care less about their own children and families so to think they care about ours is utter nonsense. They see votes and if an American citizen is killed by an illegal to them it doesn't matter. All democrats are bad people. The worst of the worst. We must see to it that President Trump holds to it and cuts off ALL federal funding. If they won't obey federal laws they shouldn't even want federal money and shouldn't get it.

  15. Cut their funding and build the wall higher.

  16. cutting off federal funding will never happen. Wall will be a fence.

  17. Democratic mayors of major U.S. cities need to be put out of their misery! They are criminals and traitors. Breaking the law to protect more criminal, illegal aliens!

  18. Anonymous said...
    they are not immigrants, they are illegal immigrants

    November 16, 2016 at 3:03 PM

    WRONG!! They are illegal aliens!

  19. Quit calling them illegal immigrants!! They are illegal aliens!!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Can anyone explain to me why we have Spanish as a second language in America? My ancestors had to assimilate, n.ow we all have to do the bidding of immigrates

    November 16, 2016 at 4:20 PM

    My grandfather was a French Canadian in Mass. and when he died in 1976 he still couldn't speak English, but he managed without our country changing it's ways for him or my family. Assimilate or move. I am sick and tired of Spanish and it shouldn't be an option. If you can't speak English and you demand and interpreter, TOUGH TITTY!

  21. Anonymous said...
    cutting off federal funding will never happen. Wall will be a fence.

    November 16, 2016 at 7:31 PM

    Why will cutting off Federal funding never happen? You are an idiot!

  22. they should lose all their federal funds

  23. 10:43 Was getting late. Shouldn't you have been in bed so you can go to your hourly job today?

  24. These left wing mayors who control "sanctuary cities" are loons. Just look at Emmanuel and DeBlasio. Who respects them? I defy Emmanuel to saunter around the south side Chicago streets after dark without his entourage; heck even his kid was mugged. Or DeBlasio...walk around the streets after dark Bill; alone; I dare you.

  25. So they're harboring illegal immigrants who have broken our immigration laws. That's punishable by law. And now we have a "law and order" president arriving at the WH. We'll see what happens to those sanctuary cities when federal aid is cut off. Hopefully, Trump will follow through.

  26. Hark are future perpetrators announcing they're going to break the law in advance? Oh the liberal logic never ceases to amuse!

  27. Freezing federal funds would cause states to go bankrupt. California cannot afford to sink further into debt. Let them become their own country as their liberal voters say they want and see how long they last.

  28. These citys need to be OUTLAWED !! and Not Allowed !!

  29. They who VOW need to be Locked up !!!

    We ain't havi'n it

    We Taking America Back and making it GREAT AGAIN !!!!

  30. The MAJORITY in America have spoken
    These Sanctuarys Got Another Thing Coming >>> Trump !!!

  31. Yea since When do cities or States do what they please ??

    Who won the Civil war ??? Wasn't the Feds in charge ??

    Maybe they all missed something and need a History Lesson !!

    I don't recall that the states or cities Tell the Federal
    Government what they are going to do ???

  32. There IS or is supposed to be A Chain of Command ....

    guess that has broken down with the Dems last 8 years >>>

    Fed Gov is Over State Gov .....

  33. Stop that Fed $$$ to them ... and prosecute those
    shhtheads in charge of approving such things...Hold them
    Accountable !!


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