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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Report: Hillary Became "Physically Violent" After She Realized She Had Lost the Election

Clinton had to be "briefly restrained" after trying to attack her own campaign staff

Hillary Clinton reportedly became “physically violent” towards her own campaign staff after she realized she had lost the presidential election, according to radio host Todd Kincannon.
“CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained,” tweeted Kincannon.

CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained.

It was Podesta who was sent out to talk to Hillary’s dejected supporters shortly before Hillary called Donald Trump to concede, with Clinton nowhere to be seen until the following day.


  1. Real Hillary?
    Or one of the clones?

  2. Lol
    Poor bill is also mad he cant get back to the WH looking for a new monica.

  3. And Trump was supposed to be the one that was not stable and a risk of flying off the handle.

  4. I could not be happier!

  5. And all of her followers are just like her, sissy baby, tantrum thrower, cry babies. GROW UP!!!

  6. This is joyous news!!!
    Couldn't happen to a better person.
    Maybe she will have another head injury or stroke over this!!!!

  7. I bet that this situation with Hillary is only the tip of the ice berg.

  8. When she didn't appear as her chances were gone, we thought it was either a meltdown or a snootful of Chardonnay.

  9. Well, Well! Guess who is unfit to be president?

  10. I want to meet Hillarys stunt double??

  11. Too bad they didnt have the balls to have her arrested for assault! That would have been the icing on the ELECTION CAKE!

  12. Had a hissy fit like Francis.

  13. She has always been a violent woman. I am surprised that she didn't cut Bill's wanger off while he was the President and porking fat Monica and the others. I think she knew she would have lost all that attention and power if she did something like that.

  14. I, for one, am glad that temperament isn't anywhere the nuclear codes. How about you?

  15. Gosh, Hillary is going to be stuck in the kitchen baking cookies and being a grandma. Oh the disgrace...and with Bill around all the time how the heck is he going to philander?

  16. She probably slapped Huma over doing her in too !!
    That FBI guy better go in witness protection program !!

  17. Her and Bill Still Rich !!!
    They just won't have the Power they crave anymore in Gov !!
    Poor babies will be just fine...much better off than the rest of us........don't worry for them...

    They still get $$$ from all over the world and the "Foundation Mafia" ran by them does just fine....!!!!

    Their daughter don't need to run for any office. please Don't .......stay home and count your money !!

  18. She beat Bill's ass and Huma's !!

    Teflon Clintons >> doing Just Fine ......


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