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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nationwide Effort to Make College Campuses Safe Zones for Undocumented Students

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Donald Trump’s promise to deport illegal immigrants has heightened fears amongst foreign students. That’s sparked a nationwide effort to make college campuses safe zones for undocumented students.

The sanctuary campus movement has spread to more than 100 schools across the country, including a few in Maryland.

Comments from the president-elect sparked fears.

“It’s scary. This whole situation has been very scary,” said Towson University student Maria Centeno.

Centeno was brought to the U.S. as a baby and worries everything she’s worked for could disappear.

“This is my home. My friends are here. I grew up here,” said Centeno.



  1. They are ILLEGAL!! Hello - ILLEGAL! What is so hard to understand about the word ILLEGAL!! I do not get it. WTF?

  2. They are illegals. They broke the law. I should not be paying for their college / education, medical, housing nothing. Pisses me off. I could not send my two to college and these illegals think they are owed these things. If they are given my tax dollars for anything I should be given a tax deduction for at least two dependents on my taxes every year we allow illegals in the State of MD and the US.

  3. Take back their tax payer dollars given to them for college. Grants etc.

  4. Have you noticed in all of this that the folks complaining are the guilty folks. They have been caught and now whine, not because they are guilty, but because they have been caught.

  5. Don't we need a safe place from them being here illegal? If you have grown up here then why have you not done anything to be rightfully. You have had many years. If we stop giving them more breaks/money then we that are here born or went with the program to become an a American. I am tried of our tax money going to help them. (map)

  6. at least we will all know where they are located!

  7. They are ILLEGAL!! Do the right thing and arrest them!

  8. When one breaks the law, there ARE consequences.

    Look around our country and look at all the poeple who believe that the law doesn't apply to them, the law can be ignored, and the law can be openly defied.
    "Love trumps hate", while beating people up, burning businesses, attacking police, and generally acting like spoiled 8 year olds who didn't get their way.
    Its going to be a tough road ahead for them, paying for their own food, paying their rent (their credit sucks, so a mortgage ain't happening), and supporting THEMSELVES, instead of waiting for the government to take their electric bill out of MY paycheck.
    I'm ELATED and watch the news nowadays just to see these sissy, cross-dressing, uneducated losers cry and wail.
    Finally. Something to cheer for....


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