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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Celebrate Great American Smokeout on November 17, 2016 TODAY

(Salisbury, MD) Every year on the third Thursday of November, the Great American Smokeout challenges people who smoke to stop using tobacco and educates about the many tools they can use to help them quit and stay quit. Smokers across the nation use the date as the start of a long-term quit attempt or to practice quitting for a day.

The American Cancer Society started the Great American Smokeout in the 1970s. Each year, this event draws attention to the deaths and chronic diseases caused by smoking. Because of this and many other efforts in education and policy, the adult smoking rate in the United States has decreased from 37.4% in the 1970s to 12% in 2014 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

In celebration of the Great American Smokeout, the Wicomico County Health Department will offer stop smoking kits at the following Health Department locations: the Fritz building at 300 W Carroll Street, Salisbury, MD 21801 and the Hurdle building at 108 E Main Street, Salisbury, MD 21801. Take advantage of trying to quit with thousands of others across the nation; pick up a stop smoking kit and quit for the day….it could be the first of many!

For on-going support, The Wicomico County Health Department offers stop smoking classes every Thursday at noon in its E Main Street location. The program offers free education and support. Participants are eligible to receive FREE quit smoking medications including nicotine replacement patches, nicotine lozenges, or Chantix. Anyone who lives or works in Wicomico County may participate. Confidential one-on-one counseling is also available, including for pregnant women.

For more information about the Great American Smokeout or the stop smoking program, call (410) 334-3480 or visit www.wicomicohealth.org.


  1. Smoking don't kill people - cancer does. Liber al propaganda trying to control use.. Baseless science just like climax change.

  2. My stupid 21 year old started smoking after growing up with non smoking parents and grandparents.Now he can't seem to quit. Smoking is a curse and it does kill people I have n my aunt and grandparents all die because of emphysema and cancer.Which my parents and I don't have because we never smoked.

  3. 11:39 You really that stupid? Did you vote for Hillary too?

  4. It is very difficult to change a climax.
    It is the gradual building up of pressure until a final release of energy.
    Think about it.

    How would one "change" a climax?
    It already happened.

  5. Amazing how sarcasm and humor are lost on most of you.


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