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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Maryland Officials Hopeful Trump Presidency Won’t Hurt State

BALTIMORE (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump found little support in Maryland, where even the Republican governor disavowed him. Now Maryland officials hope long-running benefits from the state’s proximity to the nation’s capital won’t suffer under a Trump administration.

Maryland has long benefited from federal grants, agency headquarters and other federal largesse. Its suburbs are populated with federal workers uncertain about their jobs if the new president cuts back amid promises to “drain the swamp” of Washington. Between Republican Gov. Larry Hogan and Maryland Democrats, if there’s any place where a state’s power structure didn’t support Trump, it’s Maryland.

Hillary Clinton won Maryland’s 10 electoral votes with 60 percent of the vote, while 35 percent of the vote went for Trump. Both of the state’s senators are Democrats, as well as seven of Maryland’s eight U.S. House members. The state’s House incumbents seeking re-election cruised to easy victories on Tuesday.

Rep. Andy Harris, the state’s lone Republican congressman who was the president elect’s only supporter in Maryland’s congressional delegation, said he’s confident the state’s defense industry and bases will benefit, because of Trump’s pledge to strengthen the military, even if it comes at the expense of some other government agencies. Maryland is home to Bethesda-based Lockheed Martin, Linthicum-based Northrop Grumman and large military bases such as Fort Meade and Naval Air Station Patuxent River.



  1. Why are they worried. maybe because the majority of the voters in the state turned their back on him in favor of the establishment. my guess is that nothing he does will hurt the state it will only help the state

  2. bring PG and Montgomery county and Baltimore county back to the real Maryland (Eastern Shore)

  3. R.I.N.O Hogan scared ?

  4. Screw Maryland's elite class! Too bad you did not get your way.

  5. We don't want the scum from PG, Montg', and B'more...they're the scum that caused the state to go for the HildaBeast!

  6. MD voted democrat when Bush was elected and the economy was fine until the housing/financial crash 2008.

  7. It was a mistake for Hogan to not support the Republican nominee especially, when Trump's opponent committed perjury and destroyed evidence under subpoena. That said, I am sure it was a political decision to appease the liberal voters in Maryland's metropolitan areas. After all, the election was rigged for Hillary which makes me DOUBLE PROUD to be AMERICAN because despite all of this, WE, THE PEOPLE, SPOKE.

  8. I hope it does hurt md. Maybe then all the over the bridge knuckleheads and liberals may sing a different tune. Make them pay mr trump!

  9. MD Eastern Shore voted PROPERLY. We can't fix the rest of the counties who are now worried of the repercussions for voting CLINTON.

    But you all want to VAC on the eastern shore, then moan/gripe about it. And you dare talk about us being bass ackwards??

    Keep sniffling!

  10. It is time to start worrying about the Nation's economic future as well as Maryland's. China just announced what repercussions the United States will suffer if Trump processes with his campaign promised 45% tariff on Chinese exports to us. This tariff is suppose to make them play fair in the world economy, and bring jobs back to America. The Chinese said that the Boeing order for almost 7,000 airliners in the next 20 years worth $1 trillion will be given to Airbus in Europe. And of more local importance, they would cease corn, soybean, and possibly poultry purchases. Unfortunately, in our present world economy, no one wins in a trade war. And these folks can play hardball as good as President-Elect Trump. I hope both sides chose to talk things over and compromise, before we spiral into a world-wide Depression.

  11. Gee I sure hope Hogan doesn't need my vote next time.

  12. Hogan gambled on Trump losing, Being a red guy in a blue state is a tightrope walk. Hogan has done a lot of good for MD. Now if Trump will push for conceal carry in all 50 states after gutting Obama care we will all be better.

  13. They can stay on the west side of the Bay Bridge. We don't need any more cry babies on the Eastern Shore. They are the ones that moved here and is destroying our way of life especially the Farmer.

  14. So Hogan couldn't support trump because of some ill advised comments he made but he will kiss Trump's a** to get the FBI building in Maryland. Who is the hypocrite here?

  15. If Trump cuts some of the government jobs it will in fact hurt people on that side of the bridge. Many work either for the government or a contractor of the government. How else could they afford those million dollar homes. There is too many people in that area anyway. Cut the some of the government jobs and lets see how they like how the rest of us have felt the last 8 years.

  16. Locate the FBI building on the Eastern Shore -we voted overwhelmingly for Mr Trump

  17. I think Hogan should have grown a pair and endorsed Trump. I agree with 220's comment to locate to the Eastern Shore. The Eastern Shore has been a friend to the Republican Party. Time someone returns the favor.

  18. Northrop is based/HQ in VA

  19. 2:20 - completely agree. Hogan should suggest that!!!

  20. Come on folks.
    POTUS is a figurehead.

    Mr. Trump will have no real power.
    The secret government is still very much entrenched in Washington DC

    Wake up.

  21. πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​πŸ˜‚​ Oops! Oh well!

  22. What has the state of Maryland done for the eastern Shore? Hogan cooked our state with his non support of Trump.

  23. ECI, in Westover, has turned Salisbury into Little Baltimore.

  24. 12:39 pm, If China can't farm enough on their own, the will HAVE to buy the grain and chickens from us, and we can charge accordingly. Manufacturing of goods is a mobile thing and can be uprooted and moved back over here without dying. You can't uproot corn and expect a crop.


  25. This is too comical. Hogan insults the President Elect during his campaign, comes out and says he's not voting for him, doesn't meet him when he arrives at Salisbury Airport even though he's only a few miles away and people think that's not going to impact the state Okay. Hold this, Trump'll be right back.

  26. Elections have consequences even when you have a dingbat for a governor. We also have Martin O'Malley. Did ya'll forget that idiot so soon? How could you after he took a wrecking ball to Maryland after destroying Baltimore? πŸ˜‚

  27. Hogan is at least working in a positive manner for us even if it's at 30 mph. It's still better than O'malley's 600 mph run in the opposite direction.


    Yes, I think Maryland needs to entertain Republican values, but the graft and corruption won't allow it. It's a total shame, but it's real.

    Maybe Donald will be able to shed some light towards these liberal idiots...


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