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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blair High students walk out of school to protest president-elect Trump in Silver Spring, Md.

GO HERE to view video and story for full story.


  1. Say what they cant even VOTE

  2. They don't even know what they are protesting, other than the illusion the MSM propaganda machine fed them

    And you've got to wonder what kind of sheeple their parents are.

    What an ugly world.
    I am surprised they put down their cells phones long enough to take a walk.

  3. Suspend every one.
    And the police LET THEM block traffic??

    You or I will be arrested for walking in the middle of the street.

    Equality under the law. Make it happen.

    And let people get to work without having to be delayed by people who DON'T work, don't know crap about life (except everything they have so far has been GIVEN to them), and only think what someone else told them to think.

  4. They are not in class. When I was in school that got you a detention for that. If they want to protest do it on their OWN time not school time. This is just a way for them to get out of class to walk the streets and disrupt traffic.

  5. This shows what the Obama liberal / socialist / everyone gets a trophy agenda did to the future of our country.

  6. it just goes to show you how far and how deep the progressive agenda has reached. they are truly brainwashed and their parents are powerless to do anything about it.

  7. Sad, sad, sad!! Clueless young adults in training to take of us one day!! That scarier than the clowns hiding in the corn fields!!

  8. They should all be suspended!

  9. Typical and we let them do it. Just an excuse to skip class.

  10. Suspensions for ALL!

  11. They should receive detention or get suspended, whichever is the school policy for skipping school. They aren't old enough to vote. They are only reacting to what their parents have said. How sad that Americans are acting this way.

  12. suspend all of them

  13. Kids that are not even allowed to vote, should not be walking out of school. 99% of them probably know nothing about Trump or Hillary. Just a good excuse to get out of class. They all should be suspended.
    When I was in high school, if I were to walk out of class and leave school property, I would have been suspended. ALL OF THESE STUDENTS NEED TO BE SUSPENDED.

  14. Aimlessly wandering around.

  15. Who is the older black "promoter", who organized this. Hmmm, our useless child sheeple being used to promote propaganda.

  16. 1:02 You forgot the butt whooping I would have gotten when I got home. But, maybe, that is part of the problem.

  17. I would recommend that they have after school detention for 5 days. During their in school suspension I would make them write a minimum of 3 page paper about why they walked out. I would make them relay their message as an individual and not as a group.

  18. Good for them. These kids are not stupid, they know what's going on in this country. I support them...after all it's free speech and they are allowed to protest.

  19. 528 Rioting and tearing up the cities is not protest and not covered under the First Amendment. Children not of age to vote have nothing to complain about - they are merely mirroring the sappy indignation of their parents. Please get a clue. You're just plain silly.

  20. @5:28 You support their "right" to protest but the are not even old enough to vote. Wow..I see now where they get their actions from!

  21. since when has the opinion of high school kids been paramount in the outcome of any election?
    who cares what they think?

  22. This high school is the largest and most expensive to build high school in the entire state of Maryland. It also has one of the most expensive per student costs to operate, making schools elsewhere seem pathetically funded by comparison. The student/teacher ratio is 18/1, which is close go ideal, unless the students are, in essence, special needs kids, if only due to their lack of at-home discipline and attitudes.
    Federal teaching mandates have eviscerated (gutted) the impact of teachers and administration in our high schools. They have created even more disparate and ineffectual outcomes than those they were intended to replace. In essence, they are failed, creating a larger class of uneducated and more easily politically captured children, adolescents and young adults. Suffice it to say that the experiment isn't working. Instead, it's only proving cannon fodder for the great liberal initiative, which looks to put the People in "their place", a place where loss is seen as gain, and slavery is seen as freedom.

  23. Thank you Phronesis! Always great to have you on board!


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