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Sunday, November 20, 2016

JUST IN: Raging Radical LEFTISTS Storm Trump Transition Headquarters!

Protests and riots have become nearly the norm for America in the last eight days. Since the election of Donald Trump as next president of The United States of America, Americans have been up in arms. Especially those on the left side of the political aisle. But the appointment of Stephen K. Bannon as his chief White House strategist and senior counselor has many people furious. Especially those from the Jewish community.

They claims against Stephen K. Bannon are extreme, and even some right wing conservatives are uncomfortable with this appointment. And that frustration has led protesters into the very office of the Trump transition headquarters with their protests. They are chanting things like “Fire Bannon!!” and “Jews speak out!”



  1. Arrest them and ship em to syria.

  2. Yeah, they look like an effective group.

  3. I'm SO intimidated and impressed!

  4. Get em out of here

  5. Tear gas and $1,000.00 fine.

  6. It's a felony charge so when convicted they can't even vote...LOL

  7. Ho hum, more post-adolescent protesters who have never been anywhere or done anything, yet believe in their hearts of hearts that they know best how to run the world. They are such fodder for neoprogressives.

  8. 10 17 year old standing in a lobby. Total joke

  9. Was Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton there like they did with Andy Harris?

  10. Why can't they bring in the National Guard to take care of these protesters. This is just, there are no words to describe how awful people are acting. There is no excuse for their behavior. Please return our world to normal. STOP ALL THE PROTESTING.

  11. These people are being PAID to do this by the DNC! These kids don't even know what a Xenophobe is!

  12. Some of these commenters don't sound like Americans.
    What happened to us?

    We have always enjoyed the right to protest.
    And we don't have to live in Syria because we disagree with the government's positions.

    SBY News commenters are not displaying much acceptance of others.

    1. And we also are allowed to protest GET IT ??

  13. 7:25 PM - Untrue. We also accept stupid, but take it with the requisite grain of salt.

  14. Arrest every one of the protesters.


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