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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Do You Agree?


  1. Good luck with that.
    Restitution by the rioters won't work, either, as none of them have two nickels to rub together.

  2. Agree ..they will eventually flee those areas and they can be reclaimed by decent citizens for renovation...

  3. I agree. I turned in my own brother for smashing mailboxes just this week. He's not even a democrat or a republican as he knows nothing about either side. He's just a drug using loser that has nothing better to do than follow the other morons getting told that they should do something about the election. He didn't even vote which is what he should have done during the election. I hope he stays off the streets for a while, but was released with just a ticket. This is so stupid!

  4. Take away gov,t student loans for those who riot.

  5. No hand outs for all that riot without reason but to get 15 mins. of fame. Because if they are rioting they are not working and have no right to anything due to the fact they have not added anything to taxes. There for should not get any part of our taxes.(map)

  6. Absolutely not! I say go into the inner cities, give owners of dilapidated vacant structures one year to either make them productive or they are razed and replaced by "green" areas. If you burn down your city you obviously have no need of the services or goods so do without.

  7. Absolutely! Arrest the guilty and make them pay. And if they end up in jail then let them as inmates build the communities back up during work release.

  8. Agree. Once again this is an example of some bad eggs making life harder still for decent folks who cause no one any trouble.

  9. Make the rioters restore all they destroyed in hard physical labor, then serve time (get out sooner if they behaved while restoring, if they didn't serve full sentence).

  10. This is how they get New housing ?

  11. Hold the organizations, along with George Soros, monetarily responsible for their actions. They hire they pay.

  12. The problem is, what if some of those Trump-hating crybabies come into your good neighborhood and riot and destroy it there? Now, the good thing is, liberals are usually stupid enough that they riot where they live, and I agree we should never spend tax dollars to rebuild those neighborhoods, because you know those people are just going to destroy it all over again. But what if they destroy my neighborhood or your neighborhood? This is not as cut-and-dry as some of you would like to make it.

  13. Well that's why they do it...
    So we will rebuild their areas with NEW things after they
    destroy and loot the old ones....

  14. I agree and also wish those businesses burned and destroyed would not rebuild in those communities, let them live without grocery stores, convenience stores and drug stores. You don't reward bad behavior, you put an end to it.

  15. They know they get Rewarded for their crime with an all new
    neighborhood full of nice new things
    What severe punishment here in America !! so awful !!Woooo!!


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