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Friday, November 04, 2016

John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails

Now that the FBI has obtained the needed warrant to start poring over the 650,000 or so emails uncovered in Anthony Weiner's notebook, among which thousands of emails sent from Huma Abedin using Hillary Clinton's personal server, moments ago the US Justice Department announced it is also joining the probe, and as AP reported moments ago, vowed to dedicate all needed resources to quickly review the over half a million emails in the Clinton case.
BREAKING: Justice Dept. says it'll dedicate all needed resources to quickly review emails in Clinton case.
In the letter to Congress, the DOJ writes that it “will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible,” assistant attorney General Peter J. Kadzik writes in letters to House and Senate lawmakers.
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 Senior DOJ official sends letter to lawmakers responding to request for more information about email review.
So far so good, even if one wonders just how active the DOJ will be in a case that has shown an unprecedented schism between the politically influenced Department of Justice and the FBI.
And yet, something felt odd about this.
Kadzik... Kadzik... where have we heard that name?
Oh yes. Recall our post from last week, "Clinton Campaign Chair Had Dinner With Top DOJ Official One Day After Hillary's Benghazi Hearing" in which we reported that John Podesta had dinner with one of the highest ranked DOJ officials the very day after Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony?

It was Peter Kadzik.


  1. Friendships do not count when justice is sought.

  2. Kadzik to Huma. "I'm here investigating you" Wink Wink Nod Nod


  4. Fix is in again. They will announce Monday nothing was found and charges are not likely liberals want the establishment. Insane.

  5. This should not be allowed. He is as corrupt as the rest of Clinton's mob squad. An assistant attorney general should be involved. Someone with no ties to the Clinton's period.

    It is common knowledge that Lynch is in the tank for the Clinton's and so is this guy. The DOJ is completely corrupt from the top down. I think they will work overtime to destroy Comey and help destroy the evidence to aid Hillary.

    May GOD meat out the justice that so many criminals in this case of Clinton's treason so richly deserve to receive.

  6. Disbar him. Fire him. "Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt". The fix is in.

  7. Lynch has clearly been warned by the Clintons. Remember Bill's boasting comments about her "trembling" when he put his hand on her shoulder while talking during the infamous airplane visit during Hillary's e-mail investigation?


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