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Friday, November 04, 2016

Annual Christmas Spirit Campaign Looking For Volunteers, Sponsors

OCEAN CITY – The Young Professionals of Ocean City are gearing up for their 6th Annual Christmas Spirit Campaign, and members are looking for volunteers and sponsors to help the children.

Each year, the Young Professionals look to the community to sponsor a Christmas shopping day for underprivileged youth who attend Buckingham, Ocean City and Showell Elementary schools.

Each of the schools, in addition to the Worcester Youth and Family Services, select an average of 10 children to participate in the event each year.

The kids will meet at Outback Steakhouse in West Ocean City at 5:30 on the morning of Dec. 3, where a transit bus provided by the Town of Ocean City will take them to Walmart.



  1. I wonder how they make the selection? They same way obama did by minority last names. Sorry folks to be bitter but I'm tired of not getting work because I'm WHITE.

  2. I'm really sorry if you are having a tough time, too, and am prayerful that you'll get the break you need. However, ot is bitter and inappropriate to wish hurt upon young ones because their families are struggling. People who know the children and families best make the selections. There but by the Grace of God. Thank you to those who make this possible. Random acts of kindness can change the world.


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