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Monday, November 28, 2016

In Milwaukee, hard-pressed black voters dumped Clinton

Milwaukee (AFP) - On North Avenue, young black men with nothing to do wander past boarded-up buildings and dilapidated shops. It is a sad, desolate landscape.

They and other African Americans in Milwaukee contributed to Hillary Clinton's crushing defeat in the presidential election: not only did they not vote for her, as had been expected, some even backed Donald Trump.

Wisconsin's largest city is also America's most racially segregated one, according to a study based on the 2010 census.

And Wisconsin served up one of the biggest surprises of an election day that shocked America and the world: no one thought the midwestern state would fall to the Republican billionaire.

Clinton was so sure of victory she did not even bother to campaign here after the Democratic primaries, instead sending her daughter Chelsea or her husband, former president Bill Clinton.

"She probably thought she had Wisconsin wrapped up," said Ronald Roberts, a 67 year old retiree, as he left a shop called Bill the Butcher. Its aging sign is missing the R.

"You can't take the voters for granted because they'll stay home," said Roberts, who used to work as an auto mechanic.



  1. Clinton is the Demise of the Democratic party will are witnessing

  2. The Democrats USE minorities allows have allows will. Truth is the minorities are waking up and sick of being used. Clinton knows after 8 years of obama and the poor even poorer it's time to dump the black vote and start using the illegal alien vote.


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